Chapter 41

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The tap squeaked and creaked as I turned it, moments later water came shooting out and into the glass. I brought the cup to my lips, drank, then refilled it.

With the glass in my hand, I walked towards the door and back outside when I noticed a man standing by the gate. We didn't receive many visitors so I approached with caution.

I walked until my bare feet reached the front step and the sunlight was once again beating down on me.

The man walked closer and my heart stopped.

I dropped the glass and it shattered into tiny little shards beneath me.

I then pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until I saw nothing but sparkles and stars. When I took them away he was still standing there.

My face became white as chalk. My lips shook and trembled. My eyes were wide and staring. My throat was dry and scratchy and my breathing became short and heavy.

I shut eyes tight, then peeled them open slowly, afraid that he'd be gone.

Tears pricked at my eyes and I let out a sob at the sight of Harry before me.

He was thinner and his hair longer, but his smile was so familiar and so wide I thought his lips would split.

I walked closer towards him, fragments of glass cutting my feet as I did, but I didn't feel them, I didn't feel anything but complete and utter shock.

"Lianna, careful." He spoke, reaching out towards me.

His hand gently grasped my arm and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

We were now standing face to face and I reached out to touch him.

I brushed my fingertips across his eyes, his lips, his nose, and his cheeks.

"Are you real?" I whispered.

"Yes my love," He replied. "I'm real."

I then fainted in his arms.


I woke up in my own bed.

A wet cloth was pressed against my forehead and pillows were resting by my side. I blinked several times and saw him again. Harry was sat at the edge of my bed, digging bits of glass out of my feet.

I pushed the pillows out of the way, pushed the cloth off my head and sprang into his arms. I flung my arms around his neck, burying my face into his cheek. Dry sobs racked my entire body. I then felt Harry's hands drop whatever was in them and come around to rest on my hair. I hugged him tight, afraid that he would slip away if I didn't.

"Shh, shh." I heard Harry whisper into my ear. "Lianna It's okay." He reassured me

I was clutching the back of his neck. "You're alive. Harry. I can't believe you're alive."

I was sobbing into his neck. "How?" I croaked.

"It's a long story." He replied. "I'll tell you everything."

Harry pulled away from me and I moaned at the loss of contact.

"But first, I want to look at you." He said.

His eyes examined mine and he grinned.

"Your hair is shorter," Harry said, running his fingertips across the lengths of my hair.

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