Chapter 22

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I stumbled back to my wing in shock. Wiping blood from my hands on my already stained uniform, I approached Harry. Fergus was up and balancing on two crutches I guess they'd found. Despite the fact that he wasn't putting much pressure on his injury, I was still in disbelief to how well he was hobbling, especially with a wounded shoulder as well.

Harry furrowed his brows, his eyes gazed into mine, searching for answers.

"She wasn't there." My voice shook. Whilst I was relieved that I hadn't found Esma lying on that hospital floor, the death of Evie was still fresh in my mind. The way the shards of glass cut into her delicate skin, the way the blood still oozed out of her abdominal wound and the way her open hands lay either side of her still and lifeless frame.

"That's a good thing." He said softly, reaching out his hand to cup my cheek, I pulled away from his touch and turned to Daisy whose eyes watched my every move.

Daisy's eyes, although still blue and wide, didn't hold their familiar gleam of confidence and arrogrance as they once had. They now looked cold and empty. She didn't react to seeing Harry and I together and instead turned her head to Pete.

"Come on, we have to go," Pete spoke with frustration.

Pulling my rucksack onto my back, which had been packed with as many first aid kits and medical necessities possible, we walked towards the door.

Looking around the hospital I noticed that all the soldiers and nurses who had survived, including Valerie had already evacuated. As we walked out of the hospital wing I glanced back one last time. The room looked completely abandoned by all things living. Only dead bodies remained.

The sky was already dark by the time we left the hospital.

With his head tilted upwards, towards the night sky Harry nodded. "Good. We won't be as visible." He said before brushing past me.

"Where are we even going?" Daisy whispered, her eyes on her feet as she walked.

"We need to leave Luxembourg. Keep to the outskirts of the city." Harry said in a whisper. We made our way to the edge of the city and walked in silence.

The streets were empty. Occasionally we heard shouting or a gunshot in which we would run until Harry told us to stop.

Pete walked ahead of us, Daisy dawdled beside me and Harry and Fergus loitered a few meters behind. We walked in silence for hours and I was beginning to grow weary.

Daisy's eyes turned to mine and she exhaled loudly. "I know, about you and Harry." She said with her eyebrows raised. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My pulse raced and my palms grew clammy.

"I knew at Le Havre and I knew at the hospital and I know now," Daisy said coldly.

"Daisy," I began.

"He's never once looked at me the way he looks at you." She spoke with her brows furrowed.

Despite the chill in the night air, I felt extremely hot. I was at a loss for words and suddenly felt immensely guilty. Before I could continue Daisy was taking long and purposeful strides to catch up to Pete.

I shut my eyes momentarily and bit my tongue. Today had been too much. I just wanted to fall to my knees and sob into my hands. 

I wanted Harry.

I wanted to feel his touch. I wanted to feel his lips. I wanted him to comfort me and tell me everything was going to be okay.

It began to drizzle lightly and I welcomed the cool sensation on my burning skin. After several minutes of light rain, I grew cold and dressed only in my nurse's uniform began to shiver. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked with my eyes to my feet.

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