Chapter 19

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5 days passed.

On the first day, Harry came to pick Daisy up from the hospital and they went too lunch. He pressed his arm against mine before they left.

At 8:50 I left for the barracks. Harry and I walked to the canals and I read him some more French poetry.

"I like it when you speak French." He kissed my lips.

"Merci." I kissed him back.

On the second day, Harry came to the hospital again. Him and Daisy went for a walk and he pressed his arm against mine before they left.

At night, we walked to the canals and Harry and I sat on the bridge, with our legs dangling off. It was drizzling ever so lightly but we took no notice.

I kissed his lips and he kissed mine back.

On the way home, Harry smoked three cigarettes. We walked with our arms pressed into one another's.

"Do you think war will come to Luxembourg?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

On the third day, Harry came to the hospital. Before he took Daisy for lunch he turned to me and shook his head. He didn't press his arm into mine before he left.

At 8:50 I visited the barracks. We walked to the canals and argued about Daisy. We left after 10 minutes.

We walked home in silence and Harry smoked four cigarettes. He was distant and didn't touch me.

"I'm not doing it anymore Lianna." He spoke with frustration. "With Daisy. I'm not doing it."

"Alright." I surrendered with a sigh.

He didn't kiss me good night.

On the fourth day, Harry didn't show at the hospital. Daisy sulked.

On the fourth night, Harry didn't show at the barracks. I sulked.

That night I lay in bed and read from my poetry book. Bringing my fingers to my lips, I imagined Harry's mouth on my own, his soft kisses on my neck, the way his arms pulled me close and squeezed me tight. Being with Harry felt new and exciting to me. Every time I saw him my heart lurched at the thought of never seeing him again and every time I kissed him, I feared that I'd never want to stop.

Harry was right. I couldn't keep asking him to pretend with Daisy any longer. It wasn't fair to him. I decided that tomorrow morning I would confront Daisy, tell her the truth about Harry and me. If it cost me whatever relationship we had, then so be it.

May 10th, 1940-

Harry was right. 

War did come to Luxembourg and the Germans invaded at 4:30 on a Tuesday morning.

"Get up! Lianna Get up!" Esma was frantic. She shook me hard and I jolted awake.

"Oh, my god! What is it?" I asked in a panic, shoving the poetry book that I had fallen asleep reading, under my pillow.

It was only then that my ears were suddenly filled with the whaling sound of a siren. Our entire quarters was awake now, the scene before my eyes was a room full of panicked nurses.

"GET TO THE HOSPITAL! NOW!" Screamed our orderly.

"We're being invaded." Esma sobbed.

I jumped from my bed, pulled on my nurse's uniform, braided my hair and washed my face and teeth, all within three minutes. I packed my most essential belongings into a bag and swung it on my back, running to the hospital. Esma was clinging to me as we ran, Daisy and Evie were not far behind.

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