Chapter 16

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It was 8:50 pm.

A million thoughts flooded my mind. The thought of seeing Harry alone both excited and frightened me.

All nurses lay in their bunks, either asleep or quietly reading. I had told Esma about Harry's visit to the hospital and our plans to meet tonight, she squealed with delight.

I had finished my nursing shift late and hadn't had time to change, I wore a cloak-like coat to shield my body's temperature from the Luxemburg chill, my nursing dress, and shoes, minus the cap and with my hair still in its long braid. I debated putting makeup on but decided against it.

I was glad that my bunk was closest to the door, it would make leaving our quarters easier and more discrete. I whispered to Esma a quick goodbye and she squeezed my arm.

"Where are you going?" Daisy whispered as I opened the door.


"I'm going to get some air." I lied, hoping that she wouldn't ask any further questions.

"Well if our orderly notices that you're missing you'll get into trouble." She said with a huff and I walked out the door.

The night air was cool and refreshing. The streets were silent and still. I made my way to the Barracks just around the corner. I was nervous and anxious. My head felt light and my heart raced.

When I came to the Barracks it was larger than I had remembered and now had a gate at its entrance. An officer stood out the front, I suspected for night duty. My eyes searched for Harry but he was nowhere to be seen. I walked closer to the Barracks, careful enough not to look suspicious in front of the guard. I sat on a nearby bench and waited five minutes. Still no Harry. Maybe he wasn't coming. Maybe he's stood me up. 

With my eyes still fixated on the gate hoping to see Harry exit, I stood up and took a step. Two hands sprung out taking hold of my shoulders. I turned my head to see Harry, standing in front of me. He was looking down on me, hair slightly messy and still dressed in his uniform.

"Hi." I grinned, slightly startled at his sudden appearance.

"Hi." He replied smirking. I noticed that he was carrying his rucksack in his left hand, I wondered why. There was a moment of silence between us as Harry's eyes bore into mine.

His eyes darted away and he cleared his throat.

"Come, I want to show you something." He spoke quickly and began to walk. I followed him in silence. We walked for five minutes, our arms pressed against eachother's.

"I like your uniform." Harry said with a smirk, eyes gazing up and down my clothed body.

I blushed, returning the grin. "I like yours as well."

We soon reached a canal and over it lay a cobblestoned bridge. The canal was long and straight, the water looked dark and murky and several houses sat alongside it. It was beautiful, extremely picturesque. The stars were out and the moon was full. My heart throbbed at the sight.

I ran up to the side of the canal and turned back to Harry. I reached over skimming my hand across the top of the water, breaking its surface. It was cold and icy.

"Don't fall in now!" I heard Harry call as he made his way towards me.

"Would you save me?" I asked and he laughed softly. We made our way towards each other and he placed his rucksack down on the ground.

"I can't swim." He stated casually. "So no." He smirked.

We were now standing next to the canal, inches from one another, Harry looked down at me and I looked up at him.

"Not to worry soldier," I turned around moving closer to the edge of the canal, just so the fronts of my shoes hung off. "I was once the best swimmer in my class." I flipped my braid off my shoulder and he laughed.

We walked towards the stone bridge, "I could teach you." I suggested with a grin.

"Maybe one day." He replied looking down at me. We both rested our elbows on the curve of the bridge, looking out at the canal. Our arms were pressed against one another's yet again. The moons reflection illuminated the canal and the stars sparkled and twinkled in the sky. The scene before my eyes reminded me of a saying my mother would quote when the full moon was out. I smiled at the memory and turned to face Harry.

"Il était sa lune, elle était son étoile." I spoke.

Harry turned his head towards me and smiled. His teeth were showing and so were his dimples. "What did you say?" He asked with a slight nudge.

"He was her moon, she was his stars." I poked one of his dimples, his smile only grew. Our faces were at close proximity, I blushed and turned away. I stood on the curve of the bridge, which was almost a meter from the base of the bridge. "It's a bit cheesy but my mum would quote that same French saying to me when I was young." 

I began to walk across, taking slow and steady strides. Harry was beside me and reached his hand out. "Tell me about her?" he asked.

I walked across the bridge with Harry's hand intertwined with mine, steadying my movements. His hands encompassed mine completely, they were calloused and large, bony and slender. "She's the best." I started. "She's the strongest person I know." I smiled as I walked across the bridge, "Not to mention beautiful and completely selfless." 

"Like you," Harry stated with his eyes towards the ground. I blushed and couldn't help the silly grin that grew on my face.

"Where does she live?" Harry asked.

"Just outside of London," I replied. There was a silence between us as I walked, my hand still in Harry's.

"Speak some more French." He asked and I obliged with a grin.

"Mr. Styles," I spoke in English. "vous êtes un beau soldat."

Mr. Styles, you are a handsome soldier.

I hopped down from the ledge of the bridge and now stood wedged between Harry and the cobblestone. 

"What did you just say?" He asked and I grinned shaking my head, pressing my pointer finger against my lower lip.

"J'aime  vos yeux." I spoke again.

I like your eyes. 

"Tell me..." Harry groaned pressing his thighs against mine. The mere feeling of his body against my own caused a red blush to spread up my neck towards my cheeks.

I shook my head and giggled playfully, moving away from his touch.

"No," I spoke with a large grin. I walked away from Harry almost tripping over his rucksack which sat on the ground. I picked it up handing it to him. The weight was surprisingly heavy for such a small bag. I wanted to ask what was in it but didn't want to be intrusive.

After taking the bag into his hands and pulling the zipper, Harry and I began to walk down the bridge and along the canal. He took out a pack of cigarettes and placed one in his mouth, lighting it with a match. After taking a long drag, he turned to me.

"Want one?" He offered.

I shook my head. "No thanks."

Harry smoked with experience despite the fact that I'd never seen him with a cigarette.

We walked back to the Barracks in silence, during which Harry smoked two more cigarettes. Our arms pressed against one another's.

The Barracks was in full view now, with the same guard still standing outside the gate, his rifle in his hand. We walked closer, moving just out of the guard's view to say goodbye.

Harry turned to face me, his eyes were dark and mysterious and fixated on mine. "Meet me here, tomorrow night at 9 o'clock." He didn't even ask but I nodded, my lips were slightly parted and my eyes were wide, mesmerised by his.

"Goodnight," Harry took the braid which rested on my shoulder, running it between his fingers. "Nurse Beauchamp."

"Night soldier," I said with a grin, turning on my heel and walking away from him. 

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