Chapter 27

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Harry had gone to visit Fergus who was now recovering from his wounds with proper and more advanced medical care and equipment than what I had in my first aid kit. He'd been gone for an hour and I was beginning to feel restless. Whilst my body ached with exhaustion my mind was alert and fully awake. I sat up, bringing my knees to my chest. I took to examine the cast on my arm, it was heavy and uncomfortable. I sighed in frustration, falling back down into the hospital sheets. I jumped at the sound of the doorknob turning.

"Dinner is served!" Nurse Randall exclaimed, walking in and handing me a silver tray with bread, butter, cheese, and water.

"Thank you!!" I squealed in delight, clapping my hands together. I was famished and scoffed the meal down within minutes.

"How are you feeling love, any pain?" Nurse Randall asked with a cocked brow, retrieving the empty tray from my lap.

"Nope! I feel absolutely fine. Look I can even do this!" I grinned bringing my casted arm above my head and waving it about. 

"Glad to know." She giggled. "That was a nasty break you got yourself, my dear, how'd it happen?" She asked curiously.

My smile faded. "Long story," I replied, the situation still to sensitive in my mind to discuss it in detail.

The door creaked open and Daisy's blonde head of hair popped out from beside it. "Knock, knock!" She grinned stepping forward. "How do you feel?" She asked.

"Fine." A smile pulled at my lips.

"I'll leave you two girls to chat." Nurse Randall beamed and headed for the door.

Daisy walked towards me and sat on the edge of my bed. Her eyes instantly flew to the cast around my arm.

"That is hideous!" She snapped, furrowing her brows and pursing her lips.

"Well, it's not the prettiest thing but..." I trailed off.

"Is it itchy?" She asked, running her fingertips along the canvas-like material.

"Yea, a little." I snickered.

"I'm so glad you're okay when we found you laying on the forest floor oh my gosh Lianna, you looked like a wreck, with your face all scratched up and your arm busted. Harry was having a proper strop about it!" She chuckled, suppressing her laughter with her hands.

I couldn't help but feel offended at Daisy's light-hearted reaction to my situation, I was sexually assaulted and chased with a knife. I knitted my brows in anger, I wasn't in the mood to fight with her, so instead, I attempted a smile and a small nod.

Daisy's laughing finally died down and her blue eyes pressed into mine. 

"Lianna, I want you to know that I'm not mad about you and Harry." She began. My eyes widened and my heart began to race. "I mean I was at first because in a way you took him from me." She inhaled sharply. 'He was never yours, to begin with,' my subconscious added. "But not anymore." Daisy shook her head and smirked.

I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or not. I felt slightly uncomfortable under her gaze but attempted a smile.

"Thanks." Is all I could manage to say.

"It's okay," She grinned, her eyes moving away from mine. "I could never be with someone like Harry anyway, he's damaged goods."

"What exactly does---" Before I could finish Daisy was interrupting me.

"--Anyways... I'm going, this room smells like hospital and I'm hungry." she shrugged casually and headed for the door.

My brows furrowed in annoyance and my lips parted in confusion. Daisy's insults against me were usually brushed off and ignored, but her insults against Harry angered me to the core. I groaned in frustration and shut my eyes. Talking to Daisy had emotionally exhausted me, I needed rest. I turned to my side and quickly drifted into a deep slumber.

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