Chapter 25- Something Sinister

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The hallway was so quiet, Luke could hear his fathers breathing. Well, now it was more of a huff since the shock wore off. Luke's green lightsaber clattered to the floor in the motionlessness.

"Hi dad..." Luke whispered sheepishly, running a nervous hand through his hair that he was glad to have uncovered again, but wishing he had the mask back to hide his humiliation.

'I almost killed my son...' Anakin thought as he stared down at the feeble looking boy beneath him. The helmet slipped from his shaking fingers, yet his hands were still clutched as if gripping the helmet he had just dropped.

'I almost killed my son...' This was surreal... 'Wait...' He thought, a chill creeping up on him. 'He just saw...' He saw him lose his mind. He saw him attack in cold blood. He saw him lunge for his throat, seeing how he spoke with venom and pent up loathing that he was finally going to release.... 'Oh force...'

His hands clutched to grab at his hair in both terror and anger. Anakin swore by the end of this lecture he wouldn't have any hair left. "What in nine sith Hells are you doing here!?" Anakin interrogated furiously.

Luke slowly rose to his feet, careful not to make any sudden movements to scare the midichlorians out of him any more than he already had. The man was trembling. He dusted himself off, smoothing out the black folds and doing anything he possibly could to avoid answering that ridiculous question and setting off Anakin Skywalker... again.

"Same reason you're here." Luke murmured unconfidently, nailing his eyeballs to the tiles. Suddenly his onyx boots had become more interesting.

Anakin scowled. He said that cryptic sentience multiple times himself, but right now it was just plain annoying. "Elaborate." He snarled in demand.

"To save mom."

Anakin gawked, his mouth moved but no volume came out for the first few minutes. Luke would've laughed had it been in a different scenario. "I told you not to worry about her!" Anakin screamed suddenly, throwing his hands up to emphasize his exasperation.

Luke crossed his arms, rolling his eyes in disbelief. "Please! You thought I wasn't going to worry about the woman who raised me who had been kidnapped savagely by my fathers arch foe?! Yeah dad, no problem!" He snapped, also tossing his arms up.

Anakin seemed to accept that for half a millisecond. But continued to vent and gesture around unknowing of what to do with this situation once that long, glorious millisecond had sadly passed. "Well I gave you a specific order not to come!"

Luke scowled, beyond irritated. "No you didn't!" He rebuttaled.

Anakin looked taken aback for a second as if trying to think if he did. 'I didn't? I meant to. It was heavily implied!' But soon he shook his head and put up his hands to shush Luke. "Alright I didn't- but I meant to! I taught you to read minds Luke so you can't pull that bantha dung with a fellow force user. Especially if that force user is. your. father!"He chided, pointing at himself.

Luke scoffed. "Well your shields are always so high that I can't even read your favorite color!"

Anakin rolled his neck dramatically. "It's yellow! But that's not the point!"

Luke cocked an eyebrow. "Yellow?"

"Stop trying to change the subject!" He sighed deeply, pressing a hand to his aching forehead and shutting his eyes before reopening them again. His fists clenched as he began to realize now his wife and his sons lives were place in his trembling hands. "I said stay safe! Don't you think that is implying not to fly to the death star- I didn't even say you could fly in this battle!- Wait how did you even get a ship!?"

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