Memories... Oops

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"Ky!" Prussia dove from where he sat across from her. He got there just in time and caught her.

Prussia flipped her over to look at her. Her face looked relaxed, as if she was asleep. He put two fingers on her neck and found a weak pulse.

"What happened?" Russia said scooting closer to Prussia and Ky.

"I'm not sure." Kat admitted.

"What do you mean you're not sure?!" America demanded.

"It means it may or may not have worked." England whispered looking at the unconscious girl in Prussia's arms.

"Vell, vat now? Ve have to help her!" Prussia said cradling her body like a small child.

"We can't do anything right now. All we can do is wait and see what happens next." Kat said standing.

"Just that? Do you even care what happens to her?!" America yelled.

"Of course I do! She is one of my students! Do you think it's easy for me to see one of my own students and friend this way, knowing I did this?!" Kat responded raising her voice.

All of them closed their mouths at Kat's words and sat in silence.

"Vhat are ve going to do now?" Prussia whispered almost to himself while pulling back a loose strand of hair from Ky's face.

"Our best bet is to bring her back and settle her in her room." England answered standing up first.

"I carry Ky." Russia instructed scooping her up and out of Prussia's arms.

"Hey!" he protested.

"No, I carry." Russia said stubbornly. No one argued after seeing Russia's concerned frown. Nalu was, as always, wrapped around Ky's neck and was now licking her cheek as if to try and wake her up.

England had thought it was quiet walking towards the cave but walking out was met by complete silence, only the sounds of the gentle nighttime waves rolling in were heard. I wonder how everyone else will take the news? he dreaded.

As expected, it was chaos. The first to walk in was Kat followed by Britain then America, Prussia and finally Russia.

"Ciao! How did it-a go?" Italy asked brightly.

The other countries heard Italy and came over to hear as well. "So vat country iz ma cheri?" France asked.

"Si, where is Ky?" Spain asked as well.

America, Kat, England and Prussia all bowed their heads and stood in silence. Italy looked at them in confusion before shifting his gaze at Ky in Russia's arms.

Italy gasped and pointed "K-Ky?" he said with his lip quivering.

"I-I don't know what will happen to her." Kat whispered.

"Ma cheri!" France screamed running over with Spain right behind him.

"Que paso?!" Spain said looking at her worriedly.

"Her memories must have flashed all at once." England sadly.

"But what wirr happen to her?" Japan asked.

"I don't know how long she'll be like this if that's what you're asking. It depends on how much she remembered." Kat explained.

"Vhat should ve do to help?" Germany said.

"The only thing we can do: wait." England answered.

"Yes but someone will have to keep watch over her at all times in case something goes even worse, being that there's always a possibility." Kat planned out.

"I can do it." Prussia said.

"Bruder, you can't stay there zhe whole time; it's just not possible." Germany said gently.

"He has a point, we should take turns, aru." China suggested.

"Good idea, and I will most likely be coming and going so I'll do this to contribute as well." She said before summoning a small ball of green light that she placed on Ky's forehead. The light swirled around for a bit before sinking into her skin.

"What was that?" America asked.

"A sustainability spell, she won't need food or the bathroom or things like that; basically all she will need now is a place to rest." Kat explained.

"Vell den, ve should bring her to our room. I'll take first shift." Prussia said.

"Alright then, I'll have to go now. I need to see if there's someway we can help." Kat said before walking over to Ky and giving her a small kiss on the forehead. "Sorry kiddo, I'll make this better okay?" she whispered before leaving.

"I'll take her to you room." Russia said already walking in that direction. The BTT filled behind him with everybody else looking at them until they disappeared around the corner.

"Poor Ky." Italy sniffled. Germany placed a supportive hand on his back.

"What do you think wirr happen to her?" Japan asked.

"I don't know but hopefully she vill get better." Germany said.

"No doubt about it, she'll get better." America said with determination.

"I hope you're right." Britain answered.

---------------BTT'S Room---------------

They all filed into the room and Prussia indicated to Russia to put Ky on his bed. He gently placed her down on the white sheets and fluffed up the pillow for her. He pulled a blanket over her and gently tucked the sides in.

"Don't annoy her, da?" Russia ordered more than he asked.

"Si." Spain answered for them all.

Russia left a few moments after leaving three quiet countries standing near the door way.

"Prussia, what exactly happened?" Spain asked.

"I don't know, vone moment she vas standing zhere and zhe next she vas falling over." Prussia explained the best he could.

"Vell, it's late. Ve should go check Ky." France suggested.

"I vill take first vatch(watch) you guys go to bed." Prussia volunteered.

"No, we were all suppose to take care of her so we'll stay up with you." Spain said with France nodding in agreement.

"Alright zhen." Prussia said.

They brought down all of their blankets and pillows and put them on the floor by sides of the bed and lay down as close as they could to her.


AnOtHeR cHaPtEr DoNe~ I wrote this chapter pretty fast. I'm gonna go celebrate with ice cream!!! :9 Hope this chapter was a little more exciting for you all and plz keep reading! I LOVE comments beyond belief so please comment and vote. And may Flying Mint Bunny be with you :D

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