Who Reads Instructions?!

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Admin: Heeeeeeello and welcome to the not-so-official-official-admin's-talk-show!!!! Today's guest is my sibling spazz23! Hello sibling~

spazz23: hello elder.

Admin: So we got a commonly asked question here from our not-so-well-known sibling, toomuchhetalia, asking: Why you don't hug me?

spazz23: physical contact. No rikey.

Admin: ...... I hug you.

spazz23: this socially awkward potato feels more awkward when being hugged. That, and your shoulder usually goes in my throat, cutting off the oxygen supply to my brain, and therefore slowing my thought process.

Admin: O^O...... lets just go on with the chappie... *goes off to grow mushrooms in Tamaki corner*

3rd Person POV

"Uh, what just happened?" America blinked. The four of them were there a few seconds ago and now, they were gone...INSIDE THE TV?!

"Que paso?!" Spain asked.

"D-did they just go into the television?!" England gawked, popping his head out of his blanket.

"But how did zhat happen?!" Prussia asked, also trying to register what had occurred.

"Shut up idiotas! You're-a too loud!" Romano came in growling.

"We kinda have a major problem here dude." America said.

Romano raised a skeptical eyebrow. He sat down on one of the unoccupied chairs as France and Spain tried their best to explain what happened. Everyone began wondering what had actually happened when something broke the silence:

"Ow Germany, that's my foot!"

"K-Ky?!" Spain asked.

"Who's that?!" Ky's voice called out from who knows where.

"Vhere iz it coming from?"

"Is it a ghost?!"

"Itary, prease ret go of me."

"Guys, where are you?!" America demanded.

"Al, is that you?" Ky asked again.

"Yeah dudette, question is: where are you guys?" America said looking around to find the source of the voice.

"You're gonna think I'm crazy but, I think we fell in the game." Ky answered.

"What?!" everyone asked at the same time. They turned to look at the still blacked out screen.

"I still can't see anyzhing!" Prussia said angrily.

"Bruder?" Germany's voice echoed from the television.

"Vest!" Prussia cried, scrambling over to the television.

"Hey idiotas, you-a do know this crap comes with instructions, right?" Romano asked, pointing to the slip of paper sticking out of the box.

"Who reads instructions?" Al asked rather honestly.

"Bloody wanker!" Arthur growled, bringing his foot down on Al's head before reading the instructions out loud: "If you have opened this box, you clearly decided to ignore the warnings; oh well, your responsibility now. This is an interactive game of five players. Whatever happens in the game, may not stay in the game, including health tolls. Objective: Get out alive."

Hetalia VERY Down UnderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora