Psycho Assistants?

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Hey you

Yeah you

Come here

Come closer


A little closer

A bit closer.......I AM SORRY

Yeeeaaah, I WAS going to publish sooner but then life happened and I'll spare you the excuses so here's two more chapters!


"I don't want to die, I'm a virgin!" Italy wailed.

"Vhat does zhat have to do vith anyzhing?!" Germany asked.

"I'm too beautiful to die!" France cried along with Italy.

"I am going to-a die surrounded by idiots." Romano groaned, England nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Soooooooo, someone wanna tell me why you were messing around with my stuff?" Kat interrupted, casually striding into the room with a smile pressed onto her lips.

"W-well, I found it in the game shelf." America stuttered.

"Yeah but it wasn't his fault! He didn't know it would do that!" I defended. If you saw his face of sheer and utter terror you'd jump to his defense too. Al sent me a silent 'thanks' and I managed a nod.

Kat's murderous smile morphed into confusion: "You found it here? This wasn't even suppose to be in the building." she mumbled to herself through knitted eyebrows.

"Hmmm" she continued thinking "Well I guess you're all off the hook but next time, listen to the warnings." she advised, waving the disk around. She clicked the disk into the box and after safely securing it, she simply popped it into her bag.

"Now then!" Kat said, suddenly clapping her hands together and thoroughly scaring the crap out of everyone "You guys should all probably head to the infirmary for a checkup."

"Nein, I am too awesome to be hurt!" Prussia declared, jumping to his feet and puffing out his chest.


Prussia fell back down on his butt next to me and started to ferociously rub on the freshly made bump that no doubt, was forming on his head.

"There, now you're hurt. Any other objections?" Kat asked, twirling her other shoe menacingly. "No? Good, now follow me, kiddos!" she said marching out of the room. Reluctantly, everyone began following her out.

"Zhat vasn't awesome." Gil pouted as he got to his feet yet again.

I let out a laugh and followed his lead but, as soon as I leaned on one of my legs, I felt a sharp pain and flopped back down on the floor.

"Vhat's wrong? Can't keep up vith zhe awesome me? Kesesesese!" he cackled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I laughed, pulling my legs under me.

"Mon Dieu! What 'appened to you, mon fleur?!" Crap, not fast enough.

"What do you mean, my fellow Frenchman?" I answered slyly.

"Your legs, Ky." Francis said, crossing his arms.

"Que paso?" Antonio asked, trotting up to us.

"Ky" Gil crossed his arms as well "Vhat happened?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeell" I started, purposefully dragging out the word "I um, kicked some glass, here and there." I answered as casually as I could, most likely failing at every word.

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