Pants Are Not Awesome

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Didn't think I'd update this fast did ya? WRONG! I did~ =7=


Ky's POV

So, one moment I'm in my therapy session with Mr. Kitty on TV and the next; I'm waking up to a room full of sleeping nations.

"What happened?" I asked, groggily sitting up.

Everyone had fallen asleep in the game room: America was leaning on me, resting his head on Mr.Pillow. Italy was on my other side holding my hand for comfort. Prussia had somehow managed to make it to the floor and was sprawled out, head on my legs. Russia was cuddling his pipe in the corner of the couch, China doing the same with a stuffed Hello Kitty. Japan and Germany, who had both taken seats on the table, were resting their heads on their folded arms. France, England and Spain were sitting on the couch behind me and were now spread out on it, snoring quietly. Even Canada and Romano were here; Canada was hugging his polar bear; face buried in his fur; he looked freaking cute. Romano was sleeping soundly on one of the single person couches and had half a tomato in one hand.

"Good thing classes are canceled today...." I mumbled.

"SUP GUYS!" Kat yelled, slamming the door open.

"Shhhh!" I hushed, bringing a finger to my lips.

"Oh, sorry." she whispered "Then again, this is gonna be fun.... heehee~" she giggled evilly before pulling out her megaphone.

"MORNING SUNSHINES!!" She hollered into it.

All kinds of screams rang throughout the room as confused countries jumped up to run in random directions. Some, like America and Canada who'd been holding things, clutched them closely while Russia woke up startled and swung his pipe in a random direction.

Romano yelled "Protect me potato bastardo!" before diving behind Germany, who like his brother Prussia, quickly flashed out a gun.

"WHITE FLAG! WHITE FLAG!" Poor Italy wailed before throwing his arms around me.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!" England yelled, trying to pry France and Spain off of him.

"Told ya it would be fun." Kat laughed, swinging her megaphone.

"You almost gave-a me a heart attack ragazza!" Romano yelled, crawling away from Germany.

"Why the hell do you and Germany have guns?! And where do you even keep them?!" I asked Prussia who was in the process of putting his gun away.

"Kesesese" was Prussia's only response.

"What was the point of doing that?" England sighed.

"Halloween spirit." Kat shrugged.

"IT'S HALLOWEEN!!" Al roared, getting up and zooming out the door.

Soon, everyone was heading out the door to make their own Halloween preparations and get ready for the dance later today.

"Zhis iz going to be almost as awesome as me!" Gil said happily.

"Si! It's the first time we're going to have a dance with a chica~" Toni added.

"Oui, zhis iz going to be a memorable night." Francis nodded.

We spent most of the afternoon helping with the dance preparations. I sat on the floor with Italy, making the decorations while Germany and Prussia did the heavy work of moving the tables around to the positions France had come up with. Spain and Japan were busy preparing the music to be played at the dance while Canada and China were busy hanging up the decorations. Poland and Lithuania came to help too.

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