Safe.... or not?

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3rd Person POV

"NOOOOOPE!" America declared before letting loose a fresh wave of bullets. "This is some horror movie shi-"

"Pay attention if you don't want to die~" Russia interrupted sweetly, swinging his faucet pipe near him, a bit too close for comfort if you ask America.

"How ya holding up, bro?" America asked, stealing a quick glance at his brother.

Canada gave a fast thumbs up before returning to the task at hand. The Canadian was doing surprisingly well; shooing and reloading without missing a beat.

"Guys, I think we have to move!" Canada called out.

With one final offensive attack, the three nations dashed towards the first clear path available. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Just gotta find Japan. America thought, running full speed ahead Yep, need to find Japan. Find-

"JAPAN!!!" America hollered.

The black haired nation visibly flinched before whirling around: "America-san?" Alfred motioned for him to run and only stopped after they had put a good distance between them and the moaning.

"We finally found you!" Alfred cheered, running up to him before skidding to a stop to happily pet him on the head.

"Prease don't do that." Japan asked politely before adding: "What are you doing here?" he asked the three of them.

"Came to get you." Russia responsed.

"Rearry? Werr, thank you very much." Japan bowed slightly.

"And look at that, you're not even hurt that bad!" Alfred pointed out happily.

It was true; for someone who had fallen through a hole in the floor, you'd expect him to have more than just a few cuts and scrapes here and there.

"Now all we have to do now is find everyone el-" Alfred was cut off when something charged passed them: "GOGOGOGOOOOOO!!!"

"What was that?" Canada asked.

As if to answer, whatever ran passed them turned and yelled back: "Didn't I say go?!"

The four nations looked at each other:

"Run?" Canada guessed.

America nodded: "Run"

A "Hai" and "Da" followed before the four kicked off, running towards the direction of the voice. America caught up first: "Ky?"

Ky's POV

"Ky?" America asked, obvious confusion etched in his face. I don't blame him, after all, I was riding piggyback on a certain Spaniard. Huh, I guess that sounds weird dosen't it? Let me go back a little:

After I had finally reached a solid wall, being the lucky little person that I am, I was surrounded by zombies like the people in the freaking horror movies. Out of no where, a flash of metal and a quick swipe sent the first row of them tumbling to the ground. I looked at the squirming bodies when a very familiar voice echoed in my head:

"Estas bien, chica?"

I looked up to see a rather baddass looking Spaniard looming over me with an ax in one hand, out and ready for the next round.

"Antonio?!" I asked disbelievingly.

He gave me a lopsided grin before offering me a hand. I took it and immediately bombarded him with questions: "How did you get here? Where did you even come from? Are you really Spain or are you some kind of illusion or monster thing that's going to eat me as soon as I turn around? And ar-"

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