who are you?

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"QUINN!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

"I'm comin' " I responded before she would yell again,
Slowly I got up making my way downstairs to eat before the twins were up.
I raced down the stairs only to see Nate eating my waffle

"HOW DARE YOU!", I yelled at the monster who had syrup dripping down his mouth.
" what did I do?" He asked innocently
"Well to start it off you were born, then-", I stated before being cut off by Noah.

" you asked for siblings" he muttered before continuing to eat.
"And you asked for a car, those are both things we should never have got," I said

"Hey, Nate crashed it the last few times..."
" whatever helps you sleep at night," I responded sarcastically.
I decided to skip breakfast, seeing as Nate ate it for me, and headed up to my room to freshen up.

Finally, I was ready to go, wearing some skinny jeans and my leather jacket, 'cliche I know'
I walked downstairs to my beautiful matt black Lamborghini, otherwise known as "Frank".

I sat in the front seat, pulling out my phone to text the boys,

------------------to: tweedle dee and tweedle dumb-----------------

"5 minutes or Y'all are walking" I sent

'I'm coming' Noah replied
' I'm getting snacks' said Nate

Hmm, snacks sound good right now, I'll probably steal some of his.
A few minutes later both of the boys were in the car, and we were on our way to hell
We arrived exactly 6 minutes later to a full parking lot with a few spaces at the back and two at the front I speed to the front, not wanting to walk far after school.

As we got out of the car, everyone looked maybe out of fear or the two idiots behind me screaming the ABCs'

I walked forward with the following only for their screeching to continue, after 4 more steps I couldn't take it, I grabbed their ears pulling them to me only to yell at them to shut up before I make them.
Knowing I was serious because the school does mean a lot to me even if everyone there Is a ** or a druggie, but there are the very rare times I find a person who doesn't make me want to break their face. The last time I found a good bean was 5th grade who was my best friend up to freshmen year when she decided she can't be popular hanging out with a "monster", that was 2 years ago.

As we walked into school being judged not so secretly by all eyes that laid on us.
After a few steps in some cake-faced cheeto walked up to Noah dragging I her nail, that you might as well call a 'shank', across his chest

" Hey, I can see you're new here, and I feel like I should let you know that if you're looking for a good time or a baby momma', I'm your gal, just ask for Viviane Tores,
Chuckling, I caught her attention,
" can I help you, I'm kinda busy here as you can see" she stated, thinking I would leave her with my innocent little brother.
" as a matter of fact I think you could, could you remove your hand from his chest before you turn him into a Cheeto as well?" I asked sweetly

" and who are you to tell me what to do?" She asked before what I guess was one of her minion's whispering the answer to her question in her ear.

"Oh my twinkies, I'm so sorry I should have known better", she replied look genuinely scared.

" its fine I guess" I replied before we headed to the office to retrieve our schedules...

Sorry for the long wait, over two months I know I'm sorry, I've just been really busy lately
Anyway don't forget like, favorite, and share


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