'Hell, we all need you"

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Seeing as I had now 'joined' this friend group, I decided to head to class with them once lunch was over.

As we walked through the crowded hallway I noticed that everyone had moved out of the way for these boys.

Since I was walking next to Val, I decided I would ask him.

"Hey, why are these people treating ya'll like royalty?"

"Well Quinn, most of them have always done this, " he said 'But just now did everyone start doing it too. But honestly, I think they're really moving for you and your brothers" he said with a slight smile on his face.

"That's pretty cool'' I said honestly.

As we walked farther down the hall of classrooms, the guys started leaving to go to class until it was just me and destrey.

I walked into the history room and took a seat near the back, because destrey insisted 'that the cool kids sit here'.

As we were waiting for the class to fill up, Destrey tuned to me.

" Yah know, Val never really smiled, no matter how many jokes I would tell him. So the fact that you were able to get him to smile on the first day is really saying something." He said with a slight smile on his face.
"So you see, what I'm trying to get at here is that I think Val needs someone like you. Hell, we all need someone like you."

I ran my eyes over the boy sitting next to me. Bright blue hair, tan skin, big brown eyes, I don't know what I was looking for, but I must have found it.

"Destrey, I'm not going anywhere, Y'all are stuck with me."


As I walked out of the school, I ran my eyes I we the crowd in search of Nate and Noah.
I finally found them next to a group boys. I walked over to them.

"Aye, let's go." I said, shoeing any emotion, seeing as I don't know who these people are, or  what they're capable of.
When one if the boys from this little group decided to speak up.

"Hey, I think Nate and Noah wanna stay with us for a while. So why don't you go on home, little girl." He said in what I guess was suppose to be a scary tone of voice?

The boys had a messy mop of chestnut colored hair, the sides were shaved with three lines cut into the side.

"I think that my brothers would prefer a ride home, over walking, any day," I said as a slight smirk layered itself across my face.

Noah turned to Nate and the group of boys before turning to me.

"I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to accept that ride home" he's said looking at Nate.

"Are you serious? We just met these guys I wanna stay here, we see Quinn all day!" Nate said with a forceful voice.
Knowing that Noah would give in and agree with Nate eventually, I decided to start walking to the car, indicating Noah was to following, if he still wanted a ride. Which he did.

Seeing as we were parked near the front of the school the walk was only a few seconds.
We finally arrived at Frank. I unlocked him and got in, Noah was day next to me looking out the window at the mirror watching Nate.

"Noah, relax he'll be fine, everything going to be fine," I said reassuringly.

With that said I reversed from the spot and started the shirt drive home.

Hey... So how was this chapter?
It was a total words, that's pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, what are you thinking of Nates new 'friends'? 'Should Noah be worried?"

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