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Accept who you are

no one on this planet earth can ever be YOU

not because of how someone hates you

but because of how unique you are

not even your twin or soulmate

it is that way for a reason

if you did not arise as what THEY wanted

it means you succeeded in accepting yourself

it should always be that way

love yourself

You are never alone

God is always with you

closer to you than anyone else

perhaps you will call it coming from imagination

then just tell me do you REALLY believe in just a big bang creating this universe's every single particle

and if you still do

say, did the big bang also create your heart and pumped oxygenated blood through it?

turn to Him before you return to Him


do not quit on yourself, ever!

Accept who you are 

Love, you are meant to be

Love, cry, it is okay my baby

Love, they teased you and did bad, disturbing things to you

He will protect and defend you

those hot tears you shed will only bring you closer to The Merciful

Love your Lord

who created you

He created you for a reason

so you do not become like those who tortured you, so that you can bring a positive change with your FREE WILL

accept the beautiful body and face that God has gifted you

if they call it not-beautiful, their comment does not make it not-beautiful

for the sake of humanity and sanity

if disturbing experiences have come your way

do not think you have the right to become mean to yourself and others

because I know for sure that He will always come to your rescue

tell the haters, the bad in general and yourself if you are on the verge of becoming bad and harming yourself, to not hate if they do not like something

if you do not love then do not even hate

because if you only hate, then evolve already from that stage!

there are bad people

love them back just to see the outcome

it will most probably strengthen your faith

you know why?

because if they still hurt you and you simply resist and call for His help

your revenge shall be taken by The Lord

you can also fancily call it karma

all you got to do is call for His help

take my word and depend only, solely on the King

just accept the natural bond between you and the God already

Love, it is time you started loving Him.

It Will Be Like The Calm After A Storm.

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