you see

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Your eyes are open right now, reading this

close them with gentleness

take deep breaths

feel fulfilment inside your chest

as if you want to pour and distribute all that goodness that overflows within

take a few more calm, deep, nice breaths

simply breathe


imagine yourself standing at the best beach in the whole world

as your feet stand on the cool yet subtly warm, shining in the sun, sand

you feel it all

the air, caressing your body in a beauteous sway

the water, it comes forward and your feet feel it, it sends frequencies of vibes throughout your body of coolness and sensibility

it feels like the best possible, positive waves of emotion

Oh, how it feels like electrical waves trickling your spine when you feel it so intensely

the tiny sand particles under your feet are in trillions, wet due to the sea water

and together, they happen to make us realize, how grateful we truly are to be standing here and living this life, this moment, because honestly, I can not find words to describe its feel, yet

the smell of the sea, makes us want to release all the negativity

and so we must


I know

Live, to be able to feel this, because one day, when your sadness fades and anger and fear dissipate, when your storm passes away,

the destructed pieces of you,

will find their way,

only those that you need,

you will cherish them with such great passion

their value and worth will increase in your eyes

and your soul will return in remembrance of its Lord, and it will be at peace even in this world of unrest

So, you see?

now open your eyes and understand this epiphany

how our thoughts affect our feelings

so have good thoughts and ALWAYS LIVE IN THE PRESENT

think of such things whenever you want a fresh start, at any time

But do not make the mistake of JUST thinking

LIVE in your gift, your present

stay true to yourself


stay determined and firm in your journey to experience it in reality

So today, I assure you

that you will eventually

Attain your

[The] Calm After The Storm.

The Calm After The StormWhere stories live. Discover now