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those scars

and those lines 

are like strikes 

some left by the oppressor 


some by my own self 

love, listen, love yourself 

even if they do not 

their hurt isnt permanent 

nothing is 

be sad if you have to

but dont forget to come back to health 

what i am saying is,

are you really going to let their words and actions be the end of you?

if you think yes

then keep thinking

even if it takes a thousand million years

keep thinking

until you finally 

come to realize 

that you are worth it


the future that you will inevitably have without them 

is too worth it 


that your life is worthy and valuable

YOU are worthy and valuable 

your heart is 

your soul is 

your body is 

your mind is 

so do not let it be the end of you 

not in any way 

believe in yourself 

so stop hurting your own self when they dont 

because one thing i know for sure 

those hidden cuts under your clothes 

are not what is meant to be on you

you keep yourself decorated with love

Love from your own self

for your own self

no one stopped you from doing it

if some ignorant people did say it

then know that they can only say it

you can love yourself and you do that

dont create a limit for yourself of loving, and being good

because some efforts you need to put for the better change

if you have already given yourself some scars

then the next time

you throw away the tools of hurting

you shouldnt scar this beautiful face and body of yours


the strikes already there,

you heal them with your care and nourishment

for you to attain

The Calm After The Storm

the ocean too gets hit woth lightning

but have you never seen the ocean

clearer than before

calmer than before

more vibrant than before

more beautiful than before

waves purer than before

its water and air purer and sounder than before

it reached true tranquility

but when?

after it deals with the storm and the storm ends

that is when it is Granted by the Lord,

The Calm After The Storm.

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