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Do you see the ocean?

how big it is

how deep it is

what we see is just the surface, and even that not fully

Have you ever felt the wind change?

it becomes pure 

but as soon as we drift back to dwelling 

and being sad 

and not treating present as what it is 

a gift, a present 

the waves change the way of their tides 

they uproar  just for us to see the Signs 

the wind's purity turns foggy

do you still not see?

no one wants adversities originally

strengthen yourself, for you have to bring a change to the tides

every single one of you matters

strengthen the roots of goodness within you

forbid evil and bad

look up and cry if you want consolation

your Creator is never going to leave you

a soul inside a being will
after some time
come to you

and in its heart will be comfort and love embedded by the Creator for you


be good


be the reason why others too dive into the ocean of goodness, gratefulness, sincerity, and devotion

be the reason why the ocean's waves once again become calm

not stagnant

but calm

and the wind purifies.

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