Do not take everything personally

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i still remember

those warm, sunny days

they were oh so beautiful

they could be FELT

the days

when i would bask in The Glorious' sun


so innocent i used to be

we would go to the sea and catch fish

but then things changed


the time came when

i started to catch feelings

when hurt became more hurtful

when tears became more hot

when love, wanted to be spread, was sparse

then came the new days

when i was feeling happy

but then again

people, when they talk and take actions

dont remember that the other, too, has a heart

a heart that was so lovingly made

a heart so delicate, precious, and now fragile

it felt hurt again

emotions are indescribable, aren't they?

then i realized my worth, my value

what i withheld within

how precious my heart and life are

i started to heal

but people really dont think before they speak, do they?

because for some reason, i am starting to catch those feelings again

at first i felt nervous and scared because i didn't know what they would be like
but then i was scared because i knew what they were like

we, as humans, certainly hurt each other

and now i wonder how many hearts i might have broken, unknowingly and unwillingly, maybe some knowingly.


God is with me

and God is with everyone

He is with you and me


and you wanna know a secret?

keep being grateful from within

you dont always have to show smiles on your face, the smile in your heart, the one blossoming in your chest matters

it is okay even when we suffer and go through tough times

because without going through the emotional roller coaster, what is life?

but always find a reason to be in good thoughts

because what is coming is so going to be worth all of this!

just trust God and have Faith in Him

we all hope for goodness for you and ourselves

we learn each day something good and fresh, we just have to search and look for it

dont expect yourself not to make mistakes,

and you know

i make many mistakes

but mistakes are to be learnt from

but most of all, learn already, my heart, that God is the only one who will stay, who is permanent, who is Loving and Affectionate and a Knowing and seeing and Caring Friend

Be yourself, and smile, because who left you was a human from this temporary world, the one who Exists at all times is ALWAYS with you.

I hope that one day, you truly realize that our [The] Calm After The Storm won't be permanent either, but in the Hereafter, is reward and a Peace and Calm that will last, and that is the promise of God.

but He won't EVER leave you by yourself, because He knows us better than we know ourselves, we can be reckless and we make mistakes, but He is ALWAYS there for us.

He will reward you with more blessings and gifts in this world, too,  just be able to recognize them

be grateful and caring and loving towards them, too

and you will feel

The Calm After The Storm.

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