alright? alright.

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be there for yourself when you feel like you need someone

be there for yourself then by reminding yourself that your sin doesn't make you less worthy in the eyes of the one who created you if you REPENT!
because He still loves you, and remind yourself that you still deserve goodness and happiness and respect, He still loves you, our Lord.

He loves you more than you will ever be able to imagine.

He cares for you more than you will ever be able to imagine.

He protects you in ways you can not even come to comprehend.

He loves you so much in ways you would have never thought love could be possible, He sends your heart calm and strength in situations you never thought you could attain those.

He opens doors of all things good and happy for you, more doors than you can ever think of.

so do NOT think of these negative thoughts.

He is here for you. ALWAYS.

if you feel like you have done wrong or have been wronged to, then ask Him for forgiveness, help, and support
because no one can do those for you more perfectly than God Himself.
cry if you have to and beg His Mercy.
seek His Refuge from the bad and evil.
yearn and pray for His Guidance and His Light.

He gave you Emotions and Free Will, so praise Him with it, think of Him with it, ask Him with it.

so be there for yourself to remind you in EVERY, joyous or heart-wrenching, situation of The Lord of the Heavens and the earth and all creations of His. Never forget to remind yourself about Him.

and you will feel

The Calm After The Storm.

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