Different Looking Waves

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since when

did those who looked

different than others

who had a different appearance

become ugly?

the word ugly should not be used without thought on any creation of God.

remember that the way anyone acts is due to what they received in acts and deeds, so they give what they think is right, correct the other if they are doing wrong instead of just sitting there judging and criticising them, maybe they dont even know that what they are doing is wrong.

because truly, God does not create ugly creations.

just because one is taller than you,

you think that they are the best and can do whatever they wish and you can't?

because if you think that way, then you are absolutely wrong.

just because someone is prettier,

or smarter,

or more hardworking,

or has a prominent beautiful feature, a nose for instance, because humans stress over it much,

or has more success

than you

does not make them better than you


because as long as you, too, try your BEST

we are all equal.

you don't go to the beach, look at the magnificently flowing and rising and crashing waves,

all of them different in looks,

and say that the other one was prettier and so it was better and the other is bad, or ugly

the one you think is better in some way

might have had more sunlight to shine upon and became hot so even if you wanted to,
you couldn't stand in it

and maybe the one you didn't like,
carried the flow of water with the best, the most optimum temperature

maybe the wave that looked super pretty, was indeed super pretty, but it had to carry dead fish with itself, must've been a burden for it, if it looks perfect, it doesn't mean that everything is going perfectly well for it, it has its own struggles, its own troubles.

maybe the one you just had one look at and judged, even cascaded forward with corals and the most uniquely designed seashells.

so don't feel bad, or ever judge negatively


love yourself,

and when you have reached the part where your body wants to overflow with it,
when your waves want to flow, rise, spill, and crash with other waves,
then spread and distribute your love to others, all the way being grateful for having love and being able to give it to others, too.

you have what you can handle and what you can take care of and what is going to prepare you for what is to come, and surely if you act justly and rightly and with patience, you shall certainly receive more and more gifts and blessings from Allah, from God.

you matter, your wave is your own, delicate and precious, and carefully chosen one.

so, just, do yourself this favour of never thinking low of yourself.

you don't know what the other wave has to go through, what it carries with it, what it fought to be able to flow up to the point where it is now, be grateful for what you have.

The Lord has blessed you in a way with which only you can survive it, someone else wouldn't have been able to, so love what you have.

Cherish your moments with grace and praise to the Lord.

and you will surely receive

The Calm After The Storm.


Hi, everybody! I hope that you are having, and have, and have had a great 24-hours. And that you are doing well.


Alrighty then, soooo, i just wanted to tell you guys that I refer to humans going through stuff with waves and what they carry, etc. In case you were taking it literally, cuz waves dont have feelings, the creatures that they carry have feelings.

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Till the next part of TCATS. Later. 🕊🌼🌻🌺

The Calm After The StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora