the things

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the things i never look at
are the things i touch with one, two
hands -
i wish they held meaning but i dont
even know how to tell stories let alone
hold on with both hands
while i fall down, down, down

despair is like a broken hose,
an overflowing well; my cup runneth
over, my heart cracks in two; the 
seams of my lips bleed; my stomach
growls in anger for i havent fed
it in days and only lies have passed my lips,
lies i love, lies that keep me warm.

this ring is not a symbol.
i bought it because its pretty, because
the stainless steel wont mar my fragile skin.
the sentiment is a useless reminder
but a deterrent for men who see me as a
set of weighty legs and a pretty face.

it says hope, but i have none.
do you? or is it ture that, if i fail,
i am better of dead, crushed by what
i could have done if i wasnt so tired
of being the same person for an entire lifetime?

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