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I was sitting at the couch cuddled up watching netflix downstairs on the tv with a cup of coffee to keep me awake while waiting for Jungkook to get home. It was almost one in the morning and I were getting worried about him. Every day Jungkook would come home around 7 pm or if he had to work overtime he would be home at 10. Jungkook usually calls me if he'll be late. He should be home 3 hours ago. I was just sitting here waiting for what felt like forever.

I tried to reach my phone to call him when suddenly I heard the door opened so I got up out of the couch and run towards the door. My smile turn into a frown as soon as I saw him. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Jungkook was drunk and he was kissing with another woman. I ran to the kitchen, wishing I could forget that thing I saw earlier.

I don't know what has gotten into me. We are just friends with benefits but why did it feels so hurt when I saw him kissing another girl? I must not develop any feelings for him since it was the rule.

Tears started forming in my eyes and started  to stream down on my cheeks as I remembered his lips touching hers. I was in the kitchen crying-sobbing  and was curled up in a ball with my face in my arms.

After a few minutes of crying, I braced up myself and checked the living room to see if they are still there or not. the girl was gone and there was only Jungkook, sleeping on the couch. I decided to leave his house. I tip toed around his living room to reach the door so he didn't wake up. So many emotions and thoughts were filling up my body.

I exited his house and walked home. rain started to pour. It was really late night and I walked home in the rain. Tears were streaming down my face and rain wetting me and my clothes. My tears mixing with the rain drop that falls on me. I was walking in a very slow pace with my head down. The rain started to get heavy and I let the heavy raindrops soak me more. I didn't care about being soaked by the rain. I just wanted to get away from all of this and forget about it.

I reached my house and I opened the front door. As I closed the door I slid down against the door and cried. I grasped the strength to get up and went to the bathroom and started thinking.

"Wow my life is suck." I thought as I looked at myself at the mirror.

I finished shower and changed in some comfy clothes. I blow dry my hair so I can lay down immediately. After I dried my hair, I lied down on my bed and cleared my mind. I then broke down once again until I cried myself to sleep. I hope this was all just a bad dream.

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