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The bright sunlight was creeping through the curtains. My eyes slowly drifted open and blinded by the sunlight that is shining through the curtains. I groan as I sprawled around the bed. I finally realized that I wasn't on my own bed. I took a sit on the edge of the bed, running my  fingers through my messy hair.

"my head" I whined.

I slowly got up of the bed and looked around the bedroom. It seems familiar to me. I knew it.

this. is. jeon. freaking. jungkook. bed.

and why did I use his white tshirt?

Then the memories of last night came flooding back, clouding my mind. Went to a party. Met Namjoon. Drank the wrong cup. Got drunk. Taehyung gave me to Jungkook. He took me to his house and took care of me.

That dumb ass Kim Taehyung really sold me for a fucking present. This is why I have trust issues. son of a bitch.

I went out of from the bedroom and I didn't see Jungkook anywhere. As I went downstairs I saw Jungkook in the kitchen.

I walked slowly, trying to sneak out by tiptoeing like a ninja so he couldn't hear me. The door was only a few steps away. Damn, I'm so talented.

"isn't it rude to leave someone house without saying goodbye?"

Fuck. I took back what I say. Mission failed and I got caught.

"oh hey, Jungkook. I-I was just gonna walk to the couch. Not wanting to disturb you." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"You just walked pass the couch, Y/N." He turned around, giggled. And that was when I realized how stupid I was. I face palmed myself.

"how are you feeling?" Jungkook asked, turning back to the stove.

"better." I walked to see him in the kitchen making soup, as I cursed under my breath. I sat down on where he put the hangover soup in front of me.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I said, not looking at him and drank up. Jungkook sat in front of me and I felt that he was staring at me.

"I need to go. Thanks for the soup." I quickly got up, hoping I would succeed this time. I twisted the doorknob and opened it. As I thought my mission was succeed, he grabbed my wrist, turning me around while closing the door. He pinned me against the door and trapped me between his strong arms.

"There is no escape, baby." He said in a deep voice, causing me to shiver.

"Why are you avoiding me? It's not just that, you won't even look at me. Have I done something wrong?" He said in frustration. He ruffled his hair then looked straight towards me. I looked down to the floor, in the verge of breaking down.

"answer me, Y/N." He cupped my face, making me look up to him.

"I ignored you for a reason but it's stupid and you wouldn't understand." I whispered out, staring at my feet. I bit my lip, trying to control my tears which will drop anytime. I don't want to cry in front him because I don't want to show my weakness.

"I fell for you. I couldn't control my heart. My mind said no but my heart said yes. It was hurting me knowing that I fell for someone who was supposed to be my best friend only." I replied as a tear escaped making it's way down my cheek. My breath hitched and I was choking on my own sobs at this point. Jungkook looked down at me with shock because he has never seen me cry.

"I'm sorry I broke the rule. I'm tried to refrain myself from falling in love with you but I failed. falling in love with you was beyond my control.I'm sorry I can't help myself. My life is a big mess and I hate my-" I was cut off when he placed his index finger over my lips and shushed me. His hands held my face delicately, like I'm some fragile ornament, and his thumbs trace the line of my cheek bones, wiping away my tears. I then looked up at him through bleary eyes. He doesn't say anything and neither do I. He presses his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry." I said with a shivery quiet voice

"stop saying sorry and stop crying. I hate to see you cry."  He pulled me in and hugged me tightly. I cry softly in his embrace. After a long moment I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"So, we're still best friends right?" I asked him before he pulled away from the embrace and looked down to the floor.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't think we can be friends anymore."

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