"You owe me a date"

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Chapter 19

"Ummm ya, I was going to tell you.. I'm not going anywhere tonight... you know, the exams are approaching and I'm not studying well lately, so yeah I'll stay home to recap and start preparing for the exams and so, I can be a bad girl but I want decent marks as well." I replied, I'm not lying, I don't have a choice actually, Jayden will know for sure If I went to the party and vice versa, I don't really care if they knew but seriously I need to study, for that I'll stay home tonight. Lately, all the cheerleading practices and preforms are taking most of my time, so when I'm home I barley have energy to do some assignments and make myself food then head to bed dying for sleep. Trust me being a cheerleader is harder than you think. Jax doesn't seem to be convinced and frowned at me then started.

"Okay, do what you want, I'll call Mackenzie to come with me, or maybe Loren, I have more fun with her." Jax replied and I can sense some teasing. It kinda worked, Mackenzie and Loren are from the school's hookers, I didn't know he knew them, we hang with them sometimes so I don't really have problems with them. I tried hard to keep on with the poker face I'm sticking to so he doesn't notice my discomforted.

"Ah, okay, have fun then." I replied unlocking my car and turning around it to open the driver's door.

"Don't worry they will make sure I have great time." He winked at me and smirked. I smiled sheepishly to him then opened my car door and drove off. Why should he have said that?

I wasn't really hungry when I got home so I headed straight to have a refreshing shower then made myself some snacks to eat while studying. I texted Jayden canceling with him, he asked me why and if there was something wrong, I told him what I have told Jax earlier and that's it.

After an hour of studying, well I didn't. I actually can't stop thinking about what Cole have told me earlier and what is Jax doing at the moment with God knows who, even that it's still 7 and the party hasn't started. I decided to call Emma to distract myself then study.

"Tessy, wassup?" She picked up fast and started.

"Yo, I'm fine, have plans for tonight?"I asked.

"Umm, not really I was going to watch a movie or so. Chris is coming tomorrow, I'm so excited, I haven't seen him for so long." She said, she really loves this guy,  distance relationships suck sometimes but Emma and Chris are so cute together, as far as I know they contact each other very often even that he's a freshman in college but they just manage, Chris is the type of bad boys that is only good with Emma, I totally ship them.

"Ohh really? That's so good." I smiled a little.

"Yeah...how about you, do you have plans for tonight?" Emma asked.

"Basically, I'll be studying." I replied in a flat tone.

"Umm, it's strange actually." Yeah no one studies Friday night, we just always have other plans more interesting than studying.

"Okay listen." I took a deep breath before I start again.

"Jayden asked me out Friday night, tonight I mean. I agreed, forgetting that I was supposed to go out with Jax tonight as well so I just cancelled with both, Jax is my friend and all but I spend with him so much time lately, told him lots of things, thinks of him more than nesassary, while in the other hand, I know nothing about him and If I'm not there he has other girls to hang out with, I'm not jelous, I know that he's a player and what Cole told me today that he isn't a good person confused me even more and I just don't know whether I should put some space between us or not." I blurred out everything, I'm the type of people who can't keep things inside themselves for a long time, rather than secrets of course. Emma went silent for a while before responding.

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