The Legend of the Samurai Part 4: Ninja vs Samurai

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Author's note: Hey guys! If you're wondering where I'm at, I'm currently in my very cozy fangirl-proof hideout. Why am I here? Well, you'll have to read on in order to find out. Hehehehehe....

She was getting close, she could feel it.

The young female Samurai was currently inside her temporary hideout, staring critically at a wall covered in notes, pictures, and newspaper clippings. She had only been in the city for about a week, but already felt like she was making more progress in tracking down her family's killer than she ever had during the two years of plotting her revenge.

It probably also helped that the city's residents had welcomed the Samurai as a new hero.

The girl has to admit, being seen as a hero was pretty cool, and made her feel the slightest bit of pride. Sure, most of her "heroism" was the result of trying to find a lead, but hey. If the people wanted to see her as a hero, then fine. It just made her job a little bit easier.

Those pesky Ninja, on the other hand, did not.

The female Samurai frowned as she remembered her encounters with the bright colored heroes earlier this week. If she didn't know any better, it was like they were trying to run her out of town. The white one had frozen the joints in one of her mech's arms this past Monday; the black one had severely dented some of the metal in on the mech's left leg after just punching it; and the red one had shot fireballs at her and damaged her mech's paint job. At least the blue one made her laugh. Seriously, did he actually think that pretending to be a damsel in distress would make her let down her guard enough to allow him to get a hit? Though the pink dress was a nice touch...

The girl was shaken from her memories when the jewel in her bracelet started blinking and a beeping sound was heard. Raising an eyebrow, she quickly pushed the red jewel in the center of the bracelet. A small digital map appeared on the surface of the jewel, with a blinking red dot in the bottom right corner.

The female Samurai let out a tired sigh before quickly donning her armor. "I swear, if it's those stupid ninja again, I'm gonna teach them a lesson about messing with me," she muttered darkly.

Those ninja wouldn't be able to handle her, screw the fact that there were four of them and only one of her. She would kick all of their butts if they dared to get in the way of her mission.

Because she was the freaking Samurai. And everyone knows that Samurais are better than Ninjas.


Jay freaking hated his life.

So far, their little "competition" with the mysterious Samurai hasn't really been going in their favor. Somehow, the new vigilante always got to the scene of a crime faster than they could. This made them all more than a little frustrated. Kai threw multiple fireballs at the mech and Cole had punched the thing's leg multiple times, which only resulted in a tiny dent. Heck, even Zane got frustrated enough once and managed to freeze one of the mech's arms. So far, all of their efforts had been in vain. Jay had come up with a brilliant plan to catch the Samurai off guard, only for it to fail spectacularly. And he wasted all of that money too...

Probably the only good thing that came out of this past week was that they all had managed to get through Sensei's course. It had taken a lot of sweat and bruises, but they all managed to do it. Though the ninja were still confused about what, exactly, the training course was supposed to test them over or when they would have to use what they had learned from the training course in combat. When they had tried to ask Sensei Wu, he had merely taken a sip of his tea and said that they would know when the time was right.

Needless to say, none of them had liked that answer.

More than a little frustrated, Jay stomped towards his room with the plan of locking himself inside and tinkering around until he had cooled off some. This plan was derailed, however, when he passed by the game room and heard...laughter? Frowning, the electric teen backtracked some and poked his head inside the room. He saw his three teammates sitting close to each other, with Kai in the middle and Zane and Cole leaning over his shoulders. They were all laughing really hard, to the point where Cole was almost doubled over.

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