Chapter 1: Headache

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And just like that, my eyes flew open as I was now greeted with the familiar ceiling of my bedroom, the heart within my chest racing immensely as I once again had to regain myself and realize what was happening. It was just a dream, or perhaps it could even be seen as a nightmare since Robin was there, but right now, I was focusing on just calming myself down. After waking from dreams like that, I was known to have panic attacks and I really didn't want to go through that at this hour - what even was the time right now? I turned my head to my left, which was where the side-table next to my bed was located. The small alarm clock showed four o'clock in the morning in bright red letters and I gave a softened sigh as I looked back to the ceiling for a moment as I was now wide awake from that stupid dream. Robin's words seemed to echo in my head despite the dream being over and done with. It was true that possessed such power that I often did not think about it, I had never truly realized what I could actually do in this world. Once again, that lynx made me look like the idiot and prove that I did not know what I was doing at certain times. Even in the afterlife, Robin still tormented me and mocked me for everything that I wish to do. She said that she knew what had been going through my mind, but was that actually true? Did she know my thoughts on change? I wasn't sure and I did not even know what to do about it right now. All I was focused on now was that dream and the headache that it caused me to have in the center of my skull. "Hey, you alright?" The abrupt softened voice from beside me made me turn my head to meet eyes with Hyde, who was laying beside me in the bed, looking at me now with a bit of concern in his scarlet-hued gaze. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just woke up and can't fall asleep again - I got a bit of a headache." I simply said with a small smile. I knew that I was somewhat lying to him, but I didn't have the heart to tell him about Robin and all this troubling stuff that has been going through my head. I just couldn't bring myself to do that and it was for reasons that I did not wish to get into right now. "Want me to get you something?" Hyde asked, resting his hand gently on the side of my face, "A glass of water and some ibuprofen?" It was comforting to know how much my boyfriend cared about my wellbeing, even if it was through the simplest matter such as a simple headache. Times had changed the two of us so much, but maybe that was a good thing. "It would probably be for the best," I mumbled and he gave a quiet chuckle as he slid out of bed and walked off to the bathroom in our room to get me some medicine. As he did that, I went back to staring up at the ceiling with my hands resting behind my head for the time being, which was several seconds before I decided to sit up since I would need to in order to take the pills. Despite all of this though, I still had all of her words going through my head and making me rethink things for too long. It made me feel weird and pensive in a certain way that I couldn't explain. I wish I could just fall back asleep until morning without any troublesome dreams to ruin my night, but unfortunately, life was unkind like that and I would have to deal with this like I always did in the past. Recently, I would believe that all my stress, at least in this world, was gone and I could have some peace here with the hybrids that I cared about, but now I knew that it wasn't over yet. I looked over at the bathroom, seeing the light on as it shone from the door that was slightly ajar as Hyde was looking through the cabinet above the sink in order to help me, being silent as usual now.

To my luck, however, the raven-haired male soon returned to me with a cup of water and a few pink-colored circle pills that I knew as ibuprofen. I always took them when I was feeling sick, even though some people told me that they weren't that good when it came to headaches. I was too lazy to actually get pills for that specific ache and it would probably be my demise later down the road, but I had enough on my mind right now and I did not need to worry about things like medicine types. "You think you've been working yourself too hard again?" He said to me as I took the pills and a sip of water. Another small fact about me was that I hated pills, or just medicine of any kind, especially when it came to aftertaste. These were not that bad though, compared to some of the large vitamin pills and awful tasting liquid medicine that I would take as a small child when I was sick. I shook my head to the hellhound's words, setting the cup down on the table next to the bed. "Nah, I think I've just been a little sick after Thanksgiving. I ate way too much food the day before and on that holiday." I said with a lighthearted laugh, "You know what they say - eat into you go into a food coma." Hyde rolled his eyes at this and sat next to me on the bed, giving a small sigh. "You are probably right. I'm just being too much of a worrywart - as you often call me." He teased me and I couldn't help but smile at that, looking up at ceiling for the third time tonight. The male looked at me for a moment, not saying anything as we just sat there in the darkness of our bedroom, comforted by the softened light of the moon that shone through the window on the opposite side of the room. "I know today is the last day of your vacation from school for the holiday, but I want you to know that you got this, alright? School's been complete hell for you lately and I understand that, especially on Wednesday with that whole talk with your parents and everything." Hyde mentioned to me, catching my attention. It was true that my days at high school were becoming more and more difficult since my Algebra and Chemistry grades were tanking and my parents won't stop bothering me about it. My father is always reminding me that he was going to talk to my math teacher about it and it stresses me out the more and more each day. I hated how people in the reality plain saw me as some kind of idiot, even my parents treated me like I was some young child that needed special aid and it honestly killed me a little inside because I wish I could get a little more respect from my own family, at the very least - but that was not the case, of course. I will give my mom credit though, since she was more supportive than my father, who just wished I was someone he could be proud of. Hyde knew these troubles that I went through because almost all the time, he was right beside me, even if people couldn't see him in the real world. He was the only person that I truly could trust for support and respect - which just reminded me of what I was currently going through now with that whole dream nonsense and whatnot. "Thanks, Hyde." I said in a quiet, hushed tone as I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, "I'm honestly really scared going into school again tomorrow. My mom is gonna want me to retake a bunch of stuff in my math classes and I don't want to deal with that shit. I really don't want to be around people in my school more than I have to." I said, running a hand through my hair. The hellhound that was still sitting beside me scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. "It will get better, I promise." He murmured in a quiet tone.

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