Chapter 4: Normal Routine

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The rest of that day went along as what was seen as normal in the Feral Plains manor. Once breakfast was over and done with, the hybrids went onto their own personal activities in their own areas of the house until we would all come together for dinner later that night and that was what usually happens every day unless there was something special going on like a movie premiere in the theatre room or if we decided to have a picnic outside, but since it was close to the cold season, we didn't really do things like that. Movie nights were most popular among everyone, especially when there were hot chocolate and popcorn provided. I hoped that we would be able to all watch a movie again one of these days, but of course, as I had stated before multiple times, I had a lot on my mind on this day, so the last thing on my mind was a movie. I returned to my office, as always, and worked on my projects - like drawings and roleplaying posts on Warrior Cats Online - although it was more of just me browsing social media and watching YouTube videos because I had little drawing inspiration and nobody ever replied to my posts on WCO these days, which depressed me, but I could still silently hope that this was because of the Thanksgiving holiday and how busy people were with their families. As I would work and do whatever, I would notice now and then, out of the corner of my gaze, Hyde would stare at me with this unreadable expression, almost like he was lost in thought or something along those lines. He was a hellhound and despite being with him for many years, I still could not tell what he often thought about. I was happy enough with him being by my side throughout all the torture he and I had endured together. Even though Scruffy and I had many memories together, Hyde and I were connected emotionally in more ways than one and I often grew scared that I would wake up one day and he would be gone - just like that. It was a stupid thing to worry about, but I knew that many people, even out there in the human world, feared of losing the one they loved the most. That was the reason why I was so afraid of changing even the slightest thing about myself because of this form, this look, was all that he was used to and had fallen in love with so long ago. I hated to admit it, but I hated to be alone, despite being alone almost every single day. Well, in reality, I was never alone - Hyde was always with me, giving support and love, defending me despite the times when people cannot see him outside of this world. If I didn't have him by my side, I would feel useless and stupid. Joseph, Tom, Austin, even Henry, and Ryuu were all loves of my past that found new loves or got bored of me. I was more hurt over Tom, Joseph, and Austin than Henry and Ryuu though because I could understand my own family more. I was starting to get off topic though now. This day seemed to go by faster than I really wanted it to, mostly because it was my last day off and everything, but I suppose that kinda thing couldn't be avoided. With Scruffy's soothing words from this morning, at least I was able to enjoy the rest of my day while I listened to music and laughed while watching YouTube videos until the sun went down and it was finally getting close to the time when I prepared dinner for manor with Hyde's help. Usually, we had dinner around seven or eight o'clock at night, which was a late time for dinner in the real world, but it was a convenient time for everyone in our family it seemed. We didn't really have many set times for our meals if I were to be completely honest, but it did not really bother anyone. We all ate when everyone was hungry enough.

"Hey, Rebecca?" The raven-haired hellhound's familiar voice stirred me from my inner dialogue, glancing at the male who stood beside me while I sat in my chair in front of my large wooden desk, "Would you mind being on your own for dinner preparations tonight?" That was a first from him and even though I did not mind, I still tilted my head to the side as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him with a raise of one eyebrow. "May I ask why? What else do you have in your planner for today?" I somewhat teased him about the manner and I watched as he rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. "Well, Henry keeps bothering me about this Game Grumps episode and he's pestering me constantly to watch it, so I thought while you prepare the meal for the manor, I could quickly watch it on your computer. Could you please let me borrow it? You know how much my little brother is obsessed with those YouTubers." He said and he was right, Henry was rather fond of the Game Grumps, even more than I was, so this was a rather believable story for me. "Alright, you dingus, the computer is yours - just stay out of my documents for my stories, okay?" I said, standing up and beckoning for him to use my chair, "Besides, I've been trying to teach Charlie and Freddie about cooking with Beck so that they can help me with our family meals - so I won't be alone after all without you assisting me. You better be at dinner though and not be behind this desk the entire time." Hyde smirked and sat down in my leather desk chair, giving a spin of the chair with delight. "That's quite the hypocritical statement for you to make, Worthington, but you have my word. I looooooove you." He expressed that last part with such silliness, it made me roll my eyes as I walked across the room to the door. "I love you too, you dork," I said, looking back at him as he just grinned at me like some innocent puppy. As I walked out the door and into the hallway, it couldn't help but make me wonder if having my computer in his dirty paws was a good idea, but I told myself that I should trust him. He was Hyde Phantom Demoric and I had always trusted him with many things. This was no different. As Scruffy had told me, I needed to stop worrying about stuff that wasn't worth worrying about. I shook my head and stuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans as I headed down the hall to the large kitchen where I proceeded to prepare the meal for everyone in the manor - along with Charlie and Freddie, who were actually both quite helpful, despite being the youngest creatures in our family and known to be clumsy from time to time. They both seemed to actually be interested in learning how to cook and helped each other out, especially when getting things that were out of reach. Of course, there were a few mishaps here and there, from slight spills to one dropped plate, but overall, they did a wonderful job and I appreciated their kindness and enthusiastic attitudes while doing so. "Alright, boys, take these plates of food out to the dining room. Two plates for each paw, don't drop any of them, alright?" I told them and the two young tomcats nodded with bright smiles as they each took two plates with hot food on them as they slowly walked off out of the kitchen and into the hallway to give them to the hybrids that were now waiting for dinner to be served. It was a delicious meal of egg rolls and orange rice, which was a personal favorite of mine, with sweet and sour chicken on the side.

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