Chapter 5: Becoming Ryder

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After an hour or so, almost everyone had finished up with their meals and were bidding their farewells to one another until tomorrow morning as they headed off to their own rooms as I picked up the empty plates to put them in the kitchen to clean them. It was something that I did almost every day and it was basic routine for me now. Hyde, of course, still helped me with this, cleaning up the large wooden table of all the utensils in complete silence. However, as we did this, a small paw tugged my pant leg and I looked down to be greeted by Freddie and Charlie once again, who looked up at me with their toothy smiles with their tails waving behind them. "Can we clean up for you?" Charlie asked, his older brother nodding with a purr. "You seem really tired and we want to repay you for teaching us how to cook more and more these days," Freddie remarked and I was shocked at the two males took the plates from my hands and began to clean up for me without any more words from either of them. "Are you sure you two can handle it? Aren't you tired at all?" I questioned them and the black-furred tomcat shook his head. "Nah, but don't worry, we'll put them in the sink back in the kitchen and do them tomorrow so we can get some sleep - just take it easy, leader!" He meowed along with his younger, white-furred sibling. The hellhound seemed about surprised about this as I was, but did not question them about like I had done. "Come on," Hyde said, resting a hand on my shoulder, "You deserve some rest after everything you've done today. I don't want you to get another headache." I gave a nod to this, accepting the fact and walking off with my boyfriend back to our bedroom in a weird, yet peaceful silence. I was ready to pass out on my bed and just sleep until I had to deal with all of tomorrow's bullshit. I didn't even know why I was so tired right now, I had sleep in a lot through this whole vacation and I thought it would help me catch up with my sleep, but that was apparently not the case and to be honest, I was a bit frustrated at this situation that I now found myself in. I could not bring myself to have the motivation to complain or do something about it though, so I decided to just admit defeat and worry about it later - when I was more awake. I unlocked the door to my office and the two of us walked, still silent, as I immediately went to our bedroom. "I bet you are pretty happy to see me going to bed rather than staying up late with my projects." I joked to Hyde as I gave a tired sigh and kicked off my jeans. I never wore pants when I slept, that was just something that I did and not many people understood why I did this - but it was just comfortable for me, okay? "Yeah, I am glad to see you getting a reasonable amount of sleep, I will admit that." Hyde said with a chuckle as I turned my head to look at him with a glare, but was immediately greeted with his back as he took off his shirt and tossed it into the hamper that we had in our room. My eyes slowly skimmed his bare back for a moment and I gulped, shaking my head slightly at this. "I'm too tired to deal with you tonight," I muttered under my breath, even though he was not even aware of what I was talking about. He simply laughed and joined me in the softened cold bedsheets. I almost immediately faded to black as I rested my head on the pillow, giving a relaxed sigh. It was true that I missed sleeping with a care in the world, but of course, life became too busy for me to sleep as much as I needed it now.

The weird though, even after being so exhausted during dinner and going out like a light when my face hit my pillow, three or four hours passed by and I found myself wide awake without even the faintest bit of tiredness within my body and it was the most frustrating thing I had ever experienced before in my life. I stared up at the familiar empty ceiling with a look of irritation plain on my face as I gave a sigh and sat up, looking to my right to see my boyfriend fast asleep beside me, his back facing me as the light rise and fall of his form told me that he was in a peaceful state of slumber. It was life's cruel joke, it seemed, to give me the most absurd and unusual sleep pattern ever created, but to be honest, I was probably the main cause for it since I was known to go for multiple days without a wink of sleep. I wouldn't be able to survive in school if I didn't get through all-nighters with completing homework and projects that were important. People usually said that I was just a poor time manager, but it was my own process and I would probably stick to it until the day I died. On the bright side, at the least, while I was sitting there in utter silence - I remembered what I had wanted to do prior to this when Hyde had gone to bed. This would be the perfect time to test out something and that was my other form, of course! I didn't need him, or anyone for that matter, to see my alternate form that I had been working on for a while now. The manor was not ready for that side of me, in my opinion, despite what Scruffy had urged to me earlier about how they would all accept me no matter what. I would do what I said then and think about it before I make any rash decisions. I shook my head and stood up, brushing down my shirt as I decided to just do something about this instead of just laying around and thinking like some kind of numbskull. As you've noticed throughout my life, beloved readers, I often sit around and think about too much and I wish for you to know that I am trying to get past that and actually do something with my life so that you can be entertained - I mean, that's how this works, right? "What the fuck is wrong with me.." I muttered under my breath as I grabbed my pants off the floor beside the bed and slipped them back on as I stepped off to my office, quietly shutting the door behind me as I looked around the dark room for a few seconds, for some reason expecting someone to be there, looking at me with eyes shining through the dark. Of course, this came with that anxious side of my personality. When I was alone, I often had the feeling that someone was watching me, but of course, that was almost never the case, so I just needed to relax and continue with my sole plans of the late night. As I now walked towards the door of my office so that I could go out to the rest of the manor, I wondered about this alternate form of mine. I had to draw it enough and put enough visual thought into such things, so it was easy enough to become a reality in this world. I had created things out of thought before, so this was no different. This was just my entire being now that I was focusing on - features, voice, sex, gender, hair, etc. I hadn't messed with that kind of stuff in a long time, not since - well, the beginning of everything when it was just Hyde, Scruffy and me just beginning to figure out how all of this stuff worked. It was a complicated thing that I wasn't in the mood to get into right now, so without further ado, I opened the door and walked out into the darkened hallway. Everything was silent, which was weird to me since I was so used to all the noise in the daylight hours, but there was a certain charm to it.

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