Normal Day in a Normal Life

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{ Y/N POV }

* Buzz, Buzz *

" Mrmm "  I yawned out of anger towards the alarm clock.

* Buzz, Buzz *

" My fUCKING GOD SHUT UP " I screamed at an intimate object, but at least I'm awake now.
I get dressed as usual, in a nice casual outfit or I at least think it looks nice ?

* Bing *

I got a Voice Message from Tsuyu

' Hey (Y/N)-Chan come to the Starbucks near that fashion store, Me and Momo-Chan are waiting.'

Welp it's not like I had anything better to do today.

I walked out my door and made sure I locked it. Then I walked out of the apartment building itself and drove to the Starbucks near that fashion store Momo always likes to go to.

I walk in the door with the bells ringing on top of me.

" (Y/N) Over here !!" Momo yelled,

so loud that everyone was staring,  it was really embarrassing as I made my way towards them.

" (Y/N)- Chan Did you finish that assignment? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked.

" When was that due again?!" I replied back in a panic not even answering her question.

" Both you be grateful that i'm here to help!" Momo chirped in.

" Ribbit," Tsuyu said which I just assumed meant for agreeing with Momo.

" Hey I'll be right back i'm going to  order a (whatever you always order from Starbucks)"
I told both of them.

" Okay hurry so I can teach you and Tsuyu this info!" Momo exclaimed as I was walking away.

I got to the counter to be greeted by this cute broccoli hair boy.

" H-hi can I get your order?" He said

'don'tsayyoucanhavemynumber insteaddon'tsayyoucanhave my number insteaddon'tsayyoucanhavemynumber instead,' I thought, mentally face palming  myself before realizing I was still in line.

" Um yeah can I get a ' whatever you get from Starbucks IdK ' " I awkwardly told him

" T-that will be 5.49, can I get your n-name?" he asked.

' What is it that's with this boy to make him so cute ?'

" (Y/N)" I replied back.

" That's a beautiful name" he mumbled then suddenly yelled " P-please wait awhile!"


'who knew that a simple order would take that long?'

I sat back down with Momo and Tsuyu, they were talking about how 'this' goes with 'that' I wasn't really paying attention and more of thinking about what the boy whispered.

" Drink for (Y/N) !" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I got up and excused myself from the girls to go get it. When he handed the drink to me, our fingers brushed against each other. I blush then look up to see him redder than any ripe tomato on the planet. I went to go sit back down and Tsuyu gushed and told me

" (Y/N)-Chan there's something written on your cup."

I check the cup and what I saw was....


I'm so tired I'll prolly fix this in the morning its fuckinn 1AM, also tell me if I should continue )
( Also i've never written fan fiction so sorry if this sucks )

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