Suprising Movies

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( Y/N P.O.V. )

" It's a surprise! Wait here while I get the tickets!" he softly shouted and he walked out of the car. Leaving me to wait outside of the car.

"Hey!" Izuku randomly said, scaring me
because it was a peaceful night.

"GAH! Izuku you scared me!" I screamed at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, but I got the tickets! Let's go!" He excitedly shouted.

" What are we watching again?" I asked, a little bit worried.

" It's a surprise, trust me on this (Y/N)" he said and started holding my hand.

"Okay..." I responded but any movie I will just have to bare with.

' I hope it isn't a horror movie I will start to
s c r e a m' I thought.

Izuku handed the movie tickets to the ticket taker ( or usher ) just for him to hand it back and say "Its on the right on 8 have a nice time!"

I look up only to see

" IT , N O W P L A Y I NG "


"Izuku I get really scared during horror movies, so if I scream it's your fault." I worryingly told him.

"It's okay if you get scared you can c-cuddle with me." he shyly uttered out.

' He totally planned for us to watch a horror movie' I mentally said while we were walking in.

( Small Time Skip )

"HOLY FUCK!" I yelled and practically jumped onto Izuku.

" Be quiet please!" somebody in the theater shouted , but alas I couldn't see them.

"Sorry!" I yelled back.

"You were right you do scream a lot" Izuku whispered to me.

" I told you, but you didn't listen to me!" I whispered screamed at him.

"Hey (Y/N) you know you're on my s-shoulder right?" he asked me.

" I like it, I can feel your poofy hair" I whispered to him.

He didn't respond only just put his head kinda on mine. It was nice but then

"You'll float too, You'll float too, YOU'LL FLOAT TOO, Y O U ' L L F L O A T T O O !"

"OHMAGAWDDD!" I screamed.

" Miss can you get out of the movie theater you've been screaming this whole time!" somebody else screamed at me.

" I'm so sorry!" I yelled back at them.

" I-Izukuuuuuuu." I whined to him trying my best to be quiet.


" Can you hold my hand?"

" I-Um Sure!"

With that he held my hand throughout the entire movie.
It was nice but I kept removing my hand to cover up my screams to not disturb the other people in the theater.

" Hey um (Y/N)?" Izuku whispered almost to quiet to hear.

" Yea?" I asked kinda curious to hear what he had to say.

" D-do you- Never mind!" he stuttered out.

" You can ask me I won't judge," I told him because I was now really curious.

" Instead of moving your hand can I k-kiss you to cover up your s-screams?" he whispered, I must be Ibuki from that one game to have good hearing like this. ( gEt iT? )

" I-um-uh- yes of c-course," I stuttered out.
Izuku started muttering again.

' I've never really kiss anybody expect my pets so i'm really inexperienced and I-"

I lightly tapped his head.

" Sorry! let's finish watching the movie." he said with a embarrassed tone.

( 2nd P.O.V. )

Every time you screamed he would kiss you to make them go down until you got tired of him only giving you kisses and gave him kisses back until it basically ended up into a full make out session, being seated away from everybody else had its advantages. Unfortunately the movie does come to an end and your forced to get up.
You and Izuku get back in his car so he can drive you home.

( (Y/N) P.O.V. )

We got out the car so he could walk me to my apartment.

" Before you go I had a-lot of fun!" I told him.

" Me too!" He flashed me the cutest smile.

" One last hug before you go?" I asked him.

He practically jumped into my arms, and said
" I really am going to miss you." with the saddest tone.

" Who said you had to go?" I questioned.


I think I made this longer because I didn't want to do a " Saturday pt4" cause e w. I might rename them to like " Saturday @ the movies" or something idk
I'm sorry if you see mistakes I'm writing this at 1AM while trying to fix some of my cosplay stuff.
Also the " Ibuki from that one game" Is a reference to Danganronpa btw! Also hi to my 40 readers! I never thought I would get this far! Hope y'all have a good day!
okay gn everyone

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