Who said you had to go?

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( Y/N P.O.V. )
" Who said you had to go?" I questioned.

I now realized what I said, and immediately regret fell on me.

" I-uh- are you sure?" Izuku shyly stuttered out.

N e v e r  m i n d.

"O-Of course, you can!" I answered.

" Where would I s-sleep? Or even w-wear?" He stumbled out his words.

" You can sleep on my bed, and I can sleep on my c-couch." I mumble out.

' Or we can sleep together. WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT!!! AAAAAABDUDIE-' I was having a mental crashing in my head.

" (Y/N)? Are you okay? You're turning red." He asked in a concerning tone.

"Yes?!" I immediately yelled out an answer.

" Are you sure?" His voiced laced with worry.

" Y-yea so do you want to stay?" I started to wonder.

" By all means yes." He stated with a polite tone.

" Yay! It'll be like a sleepover!" I slightly shouted, not wanting to wake up anybody else in the complex.

" Hey can we go inside (Y/N) it's getting cold out here." Izuku mentioned about the 10:00 night breeze.

" I'm sorry Izuku, let me get my keys."

I feel around in my pockets for my keys, I got them out and unlocked my door and let Izuku go in first. He seemed impressed with how my apartment looked like.

" Hey Izuku you're not allergic to cats right?" I ask out of concern.

" No, do you have a cat?" He questioned me.

"  Yep, do you want to see her?" He gave me a small nod, so I whistled for her to come here, he look confused until he saw a cat practically jumping towards me. I picked her up and said

" Her name is Snow you have to let her sniff you before she can let you pet her. She doesn't scratch or bite unless its play fighting!"

I put Snow down and Izuku bends down to let her sniff him. After a quick sniff Snow starts rubbing against him.

'Guess that means she likes him! Definitely a keeper then!' I thought to myself.

" Do you want to change into some pajamas Izuku?" I said to him.

" Do you even have any guy clothes?" he asked.
To his shock I did.

" Are these from ex-boyfriends?" he questioned with a hint of jealousy.

"Nope, there from my brother. He likes to visit when he's in town so he just leaves clothes here for himself." I answered.

"Oh." His voiced laced with relief.

" You change in my bedroom I'll go change in the bathroom." I said.

         ( Izuku P.O.V. )

(Y/N) got her clothes and left a drawer for me to pick from. I picked a pair of plaid pajama pants and a oversized T-shirt. I hope they fit.
I decided to put on the pajama pants on first, they were a bit loose but I really don't mind.
I took off my shirt I was wearing and right when I was about to put on the other shirt
(Y/N) walks in.

" I-Izuku do you w-workout? I meant i'm sorry!" she slightly yelled, and ran out really flustered. While leaving me a flustered mess and running out of words to say.


soRry it ended like this im just 2 lazy to write anymore
also the cat is based off my actual cat who is literally the exact s a m e
also I really like writing that Nagito X Reader X Hajime its f un
also hi to the 60 people reading!
oof have a goodnight folks

Izuku X Reader | Starbucks AU!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat