Tad talk (get it)

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As The group approached the area where Tad was they started to see an event horizon, as soon as they could see it all their senses were screaming at them to go away, severely cautioning them for the warning ahead.

but to no avail

as soon as they entered, they all were faced by Tad 

"Hello, by entering this area you have put yourself at my whim, you're all relatively strong, but not strong enough, I would speak with Mabel."

Mabel was instantly teleported in front of the scum that is Tad

"Mabel, your power has the potential to trump all of theirs, you are clearly far stronger, and you have the ability to even surpass the likes of me given time, of course, there are balances in place to prevent such a thing from happening. However, I am still quite fond of you."

"What will be the fate of the others?" Mabel asked

"It entirely depends on your answer, but if you say yes, and they don't pose any serious opposition then they shall be spared."

"And if I say no?"

"Don't mistake my want for need, I could kill you right now and have zero regrets."

"Then you would have done it already," Mabel smirked the most signature creepy smirk she could think of.

"That can be arranged." Tad showed the same smirk

And he thought of a thousand different ways to kill her, and finally settled on one, then he tried it...

And he failed (you didn't seriously think I would let anyone kill Mabel did you, she probably has the best plot armor in the whole story,)

"Impossible," Tad muttered, "her resistance to my magical abilities is unworldly, there's no way she's the source of all that power."

"Aw," Mabel taunted "Is someone too weak?"

Mabel punched Tad square in the jaw, it broke entirely, then reassembled. His whole body started glowing an opaque purple

"Oh, it's on."

for a moment everything went black... then there were nightmares.

In the center of it all was Tad, but it wasn't just Tad anymore, he was demented, misshapen, wrong.

And he was heading right for them.

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(Hey guys thanks for all the love and support. I know recently the story hasn't been too great, but I really needed to set the guidelines or essentially prologue for the story that will come ahead. Anyways thanks for all the love and support guys, especially with my recent writing, I'll still try to update every day, it's been harder recently, because I've been so busy. One day I wasn't even able to update, because I had a violin concert, but I still try and will continue to. If I don't update one day don't worry I should update the next unless a horrible emergency takes place. Best wishes, have a great time in general Bye;)

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