#When Two People Collide#

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I'm sure I've seen the blue-streaked hair somewhere before. The stranger's cocky posture stirs something in my memory, from the way his mouth is turned upward into a little ironic grin to the way he's looking at me, as if he's found his princess.

"What are you doing?" he asks casually, gazing at the notebook in my hands.

Self-consciously, I snap it shut and stand up. He easily towers over me, even though I'm taller than any of my friends.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

His eyebrow shoots up, and a brief flash of hurt forms on his face, but it is only for a couple of seconds. Pretty soon, he's slipped his aloof facade back on.

"I see you don't remember me," he drawls steadily, locking his eyes on mine. "Well, why am I not surprised?"

I let out a small sigh. Whoever this person is, he must have a huge memory capacity for remembering strangers; that, or he's simply nuts.

"Look," I say, trying to keep the slight annoyance I'm feeling out of my voice. "I really am not in the mood to talk right now. So, if you don't mind, just tell me who you are, or leave me alone."

The stranger purses his lips and snorts. "Fine." He looks at me with an expression I can't quite read as he continues, and begins to shatter my world: "I'm Mitsui Hisashi."

Oh my god. Time must be standing still, for I don't feel anything moving. The strong wind has stopped raging, the people around have stopped talking, even the air molecules have stopped moving. All that remains is this moment. A sudden blast from the past. One that I'm not at all prepared for.

When I haven't replied, Mitsui goes on impatiently, "I played basketball for Shohoku High. I wore the number 14 jersey. I was MVP in junior high. Remember me? Mitsui Hisashi? Hisashi Mitsui? The magnificent three-point shooter?"

"Right," I say softly. I am in shock. There is no other way to describe the state I'm in. Over the years, I've learnt to expect surprises, but never once in my life have I fathomed this.

Mitsui runs a hand through his hair and scowls, a clear sign that he's annoyed. I want to say something but no words would come.

"That all you're gonna say?"

His eyes are still one mine. I've forgotten how intense and penetrating they can be.

I need to sit down. Now. Without a word, I sink back down to where I got up from only moments before. "Um," I say. "Uh. No."

Mitsui drops his body next to me and sighs. "To be honest, I didn't expect much from you, but I certainly expected more than this. I thought...well, I don't know what, but - "

"Okay, sorry," I interrupt. I try to calm my racing heart but his being next to me proves to be a tad too overwhelming for me. I rack my brain for something to say, and blurt out,

"What are you doing here?"

Mitsui rolls his eyes and looks away. "Nice to see you too," he mutters, more to himself than to me. "I'm on a scholarship."

"A scholar what?" I exclaim. Am I hearing right? Mitsui Hisashi is on a scholarship? For what, having the most detentions in high school? What is this world coming to?

He turns and glares at me, as if reading my mind. "A basketball scholarship," he snaps. "Not an academic one. Duh."

"Right," I say again. Then, "Um, why?"

He shrugs. "Some talent scout offered me a place in this grand school provided that I play for Tokyo for the international games. 


Statistics lessons never failed to put me to sleep. I must say though it does inspire me, though in no ways the teacher would have liked.

I was attempting to redraw the outline of the eyes that I was sketching while sitting at the bus stop outside the school all by myself, with a mechanical pen in hand and my trusty notebook balanced on my lap. I didn't notice the figures approaching until a shadow fell across the page, smudging my words and darkening them.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up, and stared right into Mitsui Hisashi's icy eyes.

Unfazed, I replied, "Sketching. And you?"

He didn't answer. He stared at me, looking for something, or nothing at all, ignoring the impatient shuffles behind him. His eyes seemed to penetrate my defense, and for a while, I thought he was looking right into my soul.

A gust of wind swept across the landscape, causing a chill to run down my back. A lock of long hair got into Mitsui's face, and as he reached to brush it away, the connection broke.

The corner of his lips curled into a snivelling sneer. He nodded at the figures behind him and walked off without a word.

I stared at his retreating back, at the mane of hair that flapped about wildly in the wind. I saw something in his eyes during those brief few seconds. It was something he obviously tried to hide behind his tough, gangster facade, but not even a total makeover could change what lies in the heart.

It was sadness that I saw in his eyes. Deep, acute sadness that came from seemingly nowhere and sank into bitter infinity. It was a wonder he hadn't already drowned in it.

The bus arrived then, jolting me out of my reverie. I thought of Mitsui Hisashi all the way home.


What could be her name? She is so Sweet and with a captivating personality, she is always around to cheer on the players, especially on the team of Ryounan and Sendoh, who is extremely protective of her and taught her the basics of basketball, maybe? Can she be mine? I mean, it's not so bad falling for a girl like her, she maybe seen a cold shoulder type but when it comes to basketball, she really do loves cheering for our team.  I wanted to know her more and try to get close to me as if she's very close to the other players, will she ever notice me while I play for the team? Don't get your hopes high up yet Mitsui, but still.. I want her to be mine..


Went early to school as if I'm damn sleepy cause of practice after school hour, putting my shoe on the rack made me notice someone was going to put another shoes in my own shoe rack and made me annoyed glancing as I saw her again with her black eyes stared at mine with a sudden pink flushed over her cheeks, "M-Morning..." she greeted as I greeted her also and notice that it was her shoe rack not mine. "Sorry, I thought it's my rack... Sorry about that.." I said and she smiled, gave my arm a pat.
"No need.. It's fine.." she replied as then Ayako approached her.

"Natsui! Come on, let's buy something to drink and--" Ayako broke when she notice that me and Natsui are talking as if I wanted to know her,  kinda weird right?
"Sounds like you and Mitsui are talking something important?" Ayako chirped with a smile and noticed Natsui was blushing denying it, cute I thought while she was explaining herself to Ayako.

"Actually, Ayako, me and her got exchanged of shoe lockers that's why we're planning to put our both shoes in one locker.."

"Wait, what?!"

"You heard me, we'll use this one shoe locker to put our both shoes together & besides our names are almost alike.."

Natsui didn't flinch to answer me back instead walking away and then, faced me again giving me a ghostly smile. I took out a small note and placed it over the top of our black shoes and left it there as  the note written on it was this:

Property of
Hisashi Mitsui and Akira Natsui
"Two people collides and met at the same place in the end of time"

~~ MVP's Cheerleader~~ (Mitsui x OC x Maki)Where stories live. Discover now