#I Like You#

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Afterwards, I went to school while brother will be staying at home cause he needs to finish some things before he heads to school. When I got to Shohoku, Haruko greeted me with her cheery smile, & told me everything on how Rukawa played yesterday against Kainan, but however, they got lost to them, & Sakuragi shaved his head for what he did passing it to the wrong player which was Takasago of Kainan instead passing it to Akagi.
I felt bad when I heard that, what about Mitsui? Is he still upset from losing? I thought while walking at the hallway with Haruko. "Natsui, are you worried about, Mitsui-san?" She suddenly asked, did she read my mind? Is she a mind reader??
"To be honest, yes. I'm kinda worried about him.." I replied, weakly.
"Mitsui-san!" Haruko called the MVP afar as if he was now on his way to the gym for practice. "What is it, two girls?" He asked as we approached him, Haruko is sometimes the bridge towards me & Mitsui, but, right now, I don't really know what will I say or ask to him, "Natsui, you wanted to ask him something, right?" Haruko said glancing at me with a smile, as Mitsui looks at me with no smiling expression. "I'll leave it to you.. Just say everything to him.." she whispered lastly before she went to watch the team practice. Silence was between us, again, never knew if I can ask him on how did the game went.
Natsui, just calm down & take a deep breath.
Mitsui grins at me & leaned closer to my ears. "No need to worry.. MVP isn't going to be mad at you if you ask anything.." he whispered, tucking my hair behind my ears as he took my hand & went to the gym with me to watch him play. However, I can still feel him down when they got lost against Kainan, I told Ayako that I'm going to buy something, while buying something for Mitsui to drink, Akihiko suddenly blocks her hand on my way to buy a bottled water for him, I thought she was suspended? What happened?

"Are you really taking Mitsui away from me?"

"Okay, okay! Just hear me out!"

"Fine. I'm listening."

I drew in a deep breath. That Akihiko could really sound like a slaughtered chicken when she wanted to.

"Okay. I'm in the gym, and - "

"You are where?"

Frustrated, I wanted to give the nearest wall a vicious kick. The stupid wall quickly retaliated by giving my toe an awful sore.

"Dammit!" I yelled, at both Akihiko and the freaking wall.

"Just listen to me!"

"I'm in the gym," I went on when Akihiko didn't answer.

"It's a long story, but I'll tell you everything. I'm sorry I left you waiting, it was shitty of me and I've absolutely no excuse. I'll explain everything, okay?"

She was silent. I was beginning to think that she'd strangle me. I even turned my watch over to check the time; she was still giving me the glare

"You're at basketball practice, aren't you," she finally stated flatly.

"Um, yeah, but - "

"Who invited you?" she interrupted.

It finally struck me where she was heading with that question. I had no doubt, and proof surfaced within the next few seconds:

"Mitsui did."

Another drawn-out silence. I felt myself beginning to sweat.

"Oh," she said. "I see."

Then she left. I went back to the gym as I notice that Mitsui was looking for me, I went towards him and gave him the bottled water that I bought earlier. "Thanks for this." He said while panting heavily but he manage to drink up the water, I took his Adidas towel resting on his bag as I wiped off his sweat.

"You lucky bastard, Mitchi! You're just showing off your swe-" Sakuragi teased  but Akagi gave him a punch on the head.


"Thanks for the water.. I owe you one." I replied while I closed the bottled water and continued to wipe my sweat, it maybe embarrassing to myself while for others it's just an ordinary doing when her guy is sweaty and tired, his girl should take care of it to wipe off his sweat and gave him water, being supportive in every games & practice, it's like from movies but it's different from us. I took the towel away from her as it falls lifelessly on the floor, taking off the glasses from her eyes as I felt everyone was already staring, stopping from what they were doing as I leaned close to her and gave her a quick peck on her cheeks as everyone hooted & some girls got flattered & awed.
"Nice one, Mitsui-san!" Miyagi praised as if he knew also I had my eyes on this girl before me.
"I thought you like someone else?" She asked me but I just laugh that out.
"Actually, that girl that I really like was you.. Only you Natsui, no one else." I told her in a whisper.
"Okay from this day and forth, Natsui is already the girl I like and loved--" I broke when Akagi ruined the momentum between me and Natsui.
"Go back to practice, idiot!" He said annoyingly. I glare at him secretly and went to look at Natsui again with my sweet side.
"No worries Natsui, I'll walk you home later after practice." I told her.
"No need Mitsui-san. Haruko & the others will head home with me too.. I cannot stay very late again." She replied and left the gym, "Bye-bye, Mitsui-kun~♥" She waved goodbye and left, my heart flattered and continued practicing with the others.


While walking home with the girls, Aoi with short hair stopped when she saw someone leaning on the lightpost as if he was waiting for someone, we passed by him and I took a quick glance and realized it was Maki himself.

"Maki-san?! What are you doing there?"

"I'm actually waiting to see you again"

"Wow!! Natsui-san, so lucky~♥♥" the three girls flattered while watching me and Maki talking.

"I heard about your game against Shohoku.."

"Really? I only wish you had watched us that time.."

"If only the school lets their student watch.." I muttered but he leaned close as I could feel my face in red while Haruko, Aoi and Yuki got flattered like they were watching a movie. He leaned more closer as he told me something which made me stiffen and lastly gave me a kiss on the cheeks before he leaves.
"Natsui-san, you okay?" Aoi asked me when I was still frozen in place. "Yeah... I'm.... good..." I replied like a broken record as Haruko tries to calm me down.

Maki-san also likes me... Couldn't this day be more dream or a nightmare?!

~~ MVP's Cheerleader~~ (Mitsui x OC x Maki)Where stories live. Discover now