~Part two~

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America carried Italy and flew to their camp.
"HERO IS BACK!" He shouted so the rest of the Allies would come there.
Italys wings puffed up and he hid behind them feeling nervous, it made him just look cuter and more harmful.
"Haha dude you're adorable!" America looked down at Italy and laughed a little, Italy blushed and pouted a bit even tough no one saw it. The Allies gathered around America asking lot of questions about Italy. America answers and after a while he puts Italy down.
"Don't even think about leaving, got me?" America looked down at Italy. Italy nodded and tucked his wings closer to his back, but just in case America ties him up making Italy bit uncomfortable.
"So you hungry bro?" America asked.
"Sí.. do you have pasta?" Italy answered and looked up at America. America nods.
"ALRIGHT ARU YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO SHOUT" China answered to America and started cooking pasta.
"I,m not cute..." Italy mumbled and blushed a bit pouting. America chuckled.
"You are cute, now Italy tell me how your powers work"
"Why..?" Italy gives America a confused look
"I want to know, it's alright you can tell me" Italy thought for a while.
"As you probably already know I,m the axis medic so my powers are mostly healing, I need my hands when using my magic and well sometimes it takes lot of energy heal almost deathly injuries" America listens and nods
"Can you heal yourself?" America asked and Italy nods.
"But I only do it if it's necessary... I need to save energy, you'll never know when someone gets hurt and need healing" America sits there and thinks (he's thinking face is handsome) Italy stares at America a light blush on his face. America looked at Italy.
"Why ya blushing?" America asks. Italy realized that he's blushing and looks away from America.
"No reason" Italy answered.
"Tell me" America demands wanting to know so he could get closer to Italy.
"I don't want to" Italy decided to keep his mouth shut. America took Italys chin and made Italy look at him.
"Please?" America begged. Italy bit his lip and blushed more.
"You're kinda handsome" he says quietly feeling embarrassed. America blushed a bit.
"O-of course I am" Italy felt bit awkward.
"Um can you please untie the rope? I promise I won't escape!" Italy asked. America raised a brow.
"Sorry dude I don't trust you" Italy pouted.
"You know I have to go home sooner or later right?" America smiled at Italys cuteness.
"I know but I don't think I wanna let ya leave little cutie" Italy blushed again.
"Ve~ don't call me cute!" Italy pouted.
"Oh but you are , would you rather something else?" America smiled.
"Just call me Italy or Feli for now, how long are you gonna keep me tied down?? And what are you gonna do if Germany and Japan comes looking for me?" Italy questioned.
"They won't find us.." America said his voice getting deeper and darker.
"BUT what if they do? There's still a chance!" When America wasn't looking Italy tried to get his pocket knife from his bag. America rolled his eyes at Italy, good thing his reflexes were good because he would have been hit by China's pan.
"Yes china?" America asked. China glared at America.
"Can you do something useful for a while aru?! England is even more mad that you didn't go to the flight training!" America sighs. Italy found his pocket knife and started sneakily cut the rope from the back.
"China can you watch this little dude for me while I'll go talk to England?" Chinas expression softened little bit and he sighed.
"Sure" china said and sat down and America began walking a way
"oh and italy you can try as hard as you want to escape, just know the consequence " america smirked and went to England.
"Yes iggy brows what do ya want?" England scoffed and looked at America angrily.
"Stop calling me that, and you can't always skip flight training you wanker!" America sighed.
"Dude chill I'll go tomorrow or something" America rolled his eyes.
"YOU SAID THAT YESTERDAY!" England shouted.
"I mean it this time Arthur" America hugged England.
"Fine I'll let you slide ONLY this time" England growled.
"I don't see why ya hate me Iggy you know I'm busy~" America laughed a bit.
"I hate you because you're annoying wanker and with what?" England looked at America with serious expression. America was a bit hurt by England's words.
"I have a life you know, I have problems that I need to take care of" America smiled it off. England nodded.
"Yes yes but really hope that you come to the training tomorrow or I'll sign Russia to train you and I,m 100% serious" At that moment China quickly flies there.
"America!" China shouted.
"Yes? What is it China?" America asked china.
"He used a sleeping spell on me and escaped!" China answered.

~~~~~~~End of the part Two~~~~~~~~

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