~part ten~

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Italy and America finished their sandwiches, before America stood up and started walking to everyone's rooms to wake them up. He hated this time of the day because people threw stuff at him.
"Rise and shine Iggy" America said from the door. England just went deeper into his blanket and growled. He had been practicing magics yesterday using a lot of his energy so he was still tired.
"England don't make my job more difficult, wake up please" America repeated.
"Fine! I'll get up in a minute!" England answered grumpily. America sighed and walked to China's room.
"Wake up China!" America shouted making him fall from his nest.
"Aiyah! Why do you always have to be so loud?!" China asked.
"Because you wouldn't wake up if I didn't" America then walked up to France's room then flied up to his nest.
"If you don't wake up I'll make England cook." America whispered to France's ear. At that France woke up instantly.
"Don't you dare America!" France shouted to him.
"Oho but I will, you better get up then frenchy" America smirked a bit and France quickly got up, flying to the kitchen. Next America flew to Russia's door. "Russia wake up" he said by the door. Russia grumbled and there was a quiet 'kol kol kol' coming from the room, he was not happy to get up at all.
"Russia do you want to keep England from cooking or not?" America asked from him as well. There was a moment of silence before Russia walked to the door.
"I'm up, you happy now?" Russia asked from America looking down at him. America smirked.
"Yeah, now go you tall piece of shit" He said before walking up to Canada's room. America sat down on Canada's bed, waiting for him to wake up. Canada slept hugging Kumajiro but soon woke up and yawned.
"Good morning Alfred" he whispered to America and got up as well.
"Morning Mattie" America answered patting Canada's head before starting to head back towards Italy.
Italy was having a friendly conversation with France, "If I'm gonna stay here might as well make friends" he thought. America smiled to them.
"Whatcha talking about boy's?" He asked and Italy smiled back.
"Nothing much just getting to know each other" Italy answered and France nodded smiling as well. America nodded and walked back to England's room.
"Why are you not up yet!!" America shouted.
"Because I don't want to get up!" England shouted from under the blanket.
"Arthur Kirkland, get your ass up now!" America demanded.
"Ugh fine you ass!" England growled and finally got up. America smirked and walked to his room, now starting to think about Italy.
Half and hour later Italy came to America's room and smiled.
"Ciao" he said to America. America turned to look at Italy and smiled.
"Oh hey little dude!" America said.
"What are you doing?" Italy asked still smiling.
"O-oh just thinking" America blushed a little and Italy saw it.
"Okay? About what?" He walked next to America and smiled cutely to him. America's heart fluttered and he blushed more.
"N-nothing much!" He stammered and looked away trying to hide his blush. Italy raised a brow now curious but decided to shrug it off and change the subject.
"So um now that we had breakfast, what would you like to do?" He asked, looking up at America.
"Oh! Come on, hop on my back!" America said smiling.
"Eh? Well okay" Italy nodded and did what America said.
America ran out to his favorite spot, it was a field with flowers everywhere and tall grass with sunflowers. Italy hopped off of America's back and looked around in awe.
"This is a really nice looking place" Italy said smiling brightly.
"Just like you.." America mumbled, Italy heard it though and blushed a little. America thought Italy didn't hear him and turned to look at him smiling.
"I'm glad you like it!" America said happily. Italy nodded smiling, still blushing lightly.
America stared at Italy, stuck in a trance. Italy looked up at sky, enjoying the warm breeze.
"Oh god.." America muttered. He realized that he might have fallen for this little angel.
"Hm? Is something wrong Alfred?" Italy asked looking up at America.
"Yeah..." America said looking at Italy.
"What's wrong?" Italy asked now a bit worried.
"You're really beautiful..just wanted to let you know." America said smiling. Italy blushed and mumbles a quick "Grazie" smiling softly. America moved closer and started cuddling Italy. Italy hugged America and nuzzled his chest, his wings fluttering slightly.
~end of part ten~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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