~Part seven~

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France thought for awhile.
"Well first of all you need to spend time with them as much as possible and go slow, give them some kind of hints that you have feelings for them, and also be sure that they trust you"
America frowned at the trust.
"Trust me? I don't think that will ever happen.." America said sadly.
"It will if you try hard enough and show them that they can trust you and be safe around you"
America shook his head.
"I don't think you get it Francis... they're part of the axis.."
"Oh...then there is a little problem"
America nodded. "Yeah" he sighed. "So what now? What do I do?" France tried to think of something.
"Hmm... maybe you should try to make them join the allies somehow? I don't really know other ways.." France said and looked at America questioningly.
"Oh my stripes and stars YOU ARE NOT AS DUMB AS I THOUGHT!" America shouted and gave France many hugs and kisses.
"Did you think I was dumb?" France asked a bit shocked by Americas outburst.
"Well kinda, Iggy told me how you confused a marriage form for a calendar"
"O-oh well let's not talk about that" France says a bit embarrassed now. America laughed and hugged France tightly.
"Thank chu francy pants"
France smiled and hugged back.
"You're welcome I hope this helped you even a little bit"
America scrambled out of Frances grip and flew out happy than ever passing over his brother Canada and smiled.
"Hey Canada you alright?!" He asks smiling and hugged him. Canada flinched a bit by the sudden hug and his wings puffed up.
"I-I'm fine" he whispered.
America laughed.
"That's great bro!" America then patted canadas and ran outside, he was so happy this plan was gonna work!
Meanwhile, Italy had finally found his way back to the axis territory, he felt exhausted and flied to his own nest up in a tree and went straight to sleep. He knew that He probably gonna be scolded by Germany tomorrow for being away all day and coming back without the supplies but right now he didn't care and fell asleep.
America went to his nest and sat down, he looked up at the dark sky with all the stars.
"Are you proud of me yet Davie?" America asked smiling, he shook his head and went to lay down taking his glasses off and closed his eyes.
~the next morning~

America was awoken with England and France fighting, china cooking, Russia smiling his usual smile and Canada... anyways America walked in with a grumpy look, he was not a morning person.
Italy was woken up by Germany again and he was mad as fuck for Italy being missing the whole day and not telling anything that he came back, Italy sighed and looked at Germany with 'I'm not interested' look on his face.
America was traveling trough the woods, hopefully he could find Italy again.
After awhile Germany sent Italy to get the needed supplies again. Italy wasn't really happy about that because he was still tired but decided just to follow the orders. He flies down from his home nest with his bag and starts walking trough the forest.
As America walks he picks up an orange and starts to eat the juicy fruit.
Italy walks to the borderline again and takes a jar out from his bag. He starts picking up some blueberries and smiles mostly to himself enjoying the calm and quiet morning.
America heard a noise and his senses started to tingle.
Italy fills up the jar and then puts the jar back to his bag. He stood up stretching his arms and wings. America saw Italy and tackled him. Italy screeched and tries to squirming out of Americas grip obviously shocked from the sudden tackle.
"Dude calm down it's just me" America says smiling.
"What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here! What if Germany sees you??!" Italy shouts still trying to squirm.
"Calm down I just came to talk and if he sees me I'll tell him I'm here to visit, no harm done!"
"We can talk if you let me do my job, I'm troubled from yesterday because of you" Italy tried to glare at America, but probably looked like a angry seven year old kid.
"Sure thing" America smiled brightly and let go of Italy.
Italy stood up and grabbed his bag from the ground.
"So what did you wanna talk about..?" Italy asked and started walking, looking for some medical herbs and other useful stuff.
"Well~ I wanted to know you" America answered smiling.
"Oh.. but why?" Italy sat down collecting mushrooms to another jar.
"Because dude! Why not nyhahaha!!" America laughed.
"Ehn okay then" Italy doesn't really know what to say so he fills up the jar and then starts walking again, his wings were tense because he felt nervous and a bit unsafe.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you" just as America says that he takes out his bat and knocks Italy out.
End of part seven~

Yay finally I had the time to write a long chapter, also thanks for over 100 reads and to the people who have voted on my book! Thank you so much again! ('∀`)♡

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