~part four~

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Italy becomes silent and couple tears fall from he's eyes.
"Atta boy, now you want to go home?" America asked and looked at Italy. Italy nods quickly.
"Fine" America drops Italy. "Leave"
Italy quickly gets up and flies away trying to find his way out of the Allies territory. America walked back home.
"England" America called.
"Yes Alfred?" England asked from the kitchen while drinking tea.
"Get my gloves" England stood up and went to get Americas gloves and gave them to him.
"So what are you up to?" England was a bit curious.
"Training early, don't care who's it with just hurry up" America answered putting his gloves on. They walked to the training room.
"So! Who's the dude I'm training with Iggy brows?" America asked.
"Since you have skipped your training couple of times you're gonna train with Russia, but before you start why do you want to do your training so suddenly?" England raised a brow to America. America growled at the name Russia.
"I'm upset plus-" he turned to England. "I need to deal with certain someone" America answered.
"And who might that be?" England asked now even more curious.
"You ask way too many questions eyebrows, that's for me to know" America rolled his eyes. "I don't wanna train with that sadistic ass hole" England sighed.
"Well if you don't want to train with Russia then you're not gonna train with anyone except a practice dummy, plus I need to go read my spell book anyways I have things to learn too" England growled a bit.
"Fine fine fine you magic freak imma train with him, now give me a hug~" America said smiling.
"Ugh fine you wanker" England quickly hugged America and then let's go.
"Have fun with your training, goodbye" England walks away and Russia enters the room.
"It's a nice day isn't it America?" Russia smiled his normal smile sending off a creepy aura, definitely not happy to train with America ether.
"Cut the crap ass hat, let's just get this over with" America sighed.
"Da" Russia says taking his pipe and opened his wings, he then attacks America trying to hit his stomach. America with quick reflexes moves out of the way opening his wings to glide up and land softly on the ground.
"Fuck don't try to kill me" America glared Russia a bit.
"Point of the training is to get stronger, da? So if I'll go easy on you you'll get even more lazy" Russia smiles and casts a spell where ice spikes come out of the ground under America.
"Beside England can heal you easily his good at spells" America winces and moves out of the way looking around before using his acrobatic skills to kick Russia.
"I hate you" America growls. Russia stumbles a bit but quickly gains his balance.
"I hate you too America" Russia tries to hit America with his pipe again. America blocks it with his arms and pulls the pipe so he can get a good punch in. Russia growled and kicks America on the leg making him fall but America grabbed Russia's scarf so they'd both fall. Russia fell on top of America, he looks at him angrily then flies up and shoots ice spikes at America again. America giggles at the angry Russian and flies up before being impaled again.

End of part four

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