~Part three~

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"Are you f-fuckin- GOD DAMNIT!" America shouted and crossed his arms stomping out the door.
"Come out little one.." America said looking around. Italy flied as fast his wings could carry deeper to the Allies territory and hid inside a bush, he panicked a bit when he realized that its was becoming dark. America glared at the sky, if there was one thing he knows it's that Italy isn't stupid, so he went deeper to their territory making zero noise.
Italy quickly and quietly as possible started gathering things so he could make a little hidden camp, he made a little nest in the bush and then put a protective seal around his nest so no animals came in. Italy settled down on the nest and covered himself with his wing so he'd stay warm.
America was searching Italy he came to a little cave and hummed, Italy was peacefully asleep. America saw little Italy asleep and he smiled, he almost wanted to leave him be but the consequences had to be done and he knew that rain will come so he broke the protective seal and took Italy. America flied to a little safe house, put Italy down and sat down. Italy was still a sleep and sometimes mumbling in his sleep in Italian. America smiles and went closer to Italy staring at him.
After awhile Italy started waking up confused at his surroundings then he realized that America had found him. Italy panicked and tried to fly but he didn't constraint and fell back on the ground. America stood up and grabbed Italy by his shirt and and lifted him up. Italy was panicking an tried to say sorry multiple times but it really didn't make any sense. America loves the power he has and takes his glasses off.
"Shut up.."

That was part three I'm sorry it's a bit short..
I'll write more this week =^^=

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