~part five~

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America dodged Russia's attacks and quickly with his acrobatic skills kicked Russia, who hit a wall.
"But why do you hate me?" America asked Russia glaring at him. Russia growled.
"Because you are just a stupid excuse of a nation raised by England and you annoy me" Russia smirks and then quickly flies over to America, grabs his right wing and cracks it so he can not fly. America whimpers and softly hits the ground.
"Nothing I've never heard of before" America carefully stands up and dusts his pants.
"I guess this battle is over, da? It seems that you cannot fly" Russia lands couple meters away from America and smirks. America closed his eyes and with all his strength ran up to Russia and kicked him with both of his feet, it was quite beautiful to watch, his feathers flowing in the find as he kicked Russia making him fall backwards. America landed on his feet and sighed.
"I hate you cause you hate me, I have no other reason" Russia looks up at America with serious face.
"That's fair, da?" Russia asks with a monotone voice.
"Yep it is fucker" America gave Russia a middle finger and kept an eye on him, he was not going to walk away. Russia gets up and has his usual smile.
"Do you still want to fight? It's funny how all of a sudden you want to train so badly when usually you just skip your trainings" America frowned.
"I don't want to fight you I'm just keeping an eye on you because you can be sneaky!" Russia nodded.
"Well then I'm gonna go now I don't want to ease anymore of my energy on you, have a nice day America" Russia smiles and then walks off leaving America alone. America tumbles to the ground energy completely gone, it seems that everyone thinks that he's useless or something.
"I'll show them.." America says angrily to himself. England saw that Russia left and decided to go check on America.
"Did you got any damage?" America stays quiet and England walks over to America seeing his cracked wing. England sighs.
"Get up and come with me so I can heal you" England helps America up and wraps him on his big crow like wing, and starts walking to his room. America snuggles into England like when he was a child.
"Big brother?" America asked like back then.
"Yes..?" England answers.
"Do you think I'm useless too?" America asked sadly.
"...no I don't you're just annoying some times" England says and gets to his room.
"I love you, thank you" America says and snuggles more into England.
"You're welcome, now sit down and I'll go get my medical supplies and spell book" England then goes to grab the needed supplies. America sat down waiting for England. England after awhile finds all that he needs and comes back to America.
"Can you open your wings?" England asked when he puts his stuff down.
"They hurt when I do though" America said wincing a bit when he tried to open them. England nods and and starts to carefully examine americas wing.
"Okay but if your wing is badly broken I'll maybe have to crack it back to it's right place..."
America whimpers when England cracks the wing back where it's suppose to be and used some magic to heal it completely.
"Any other damages?" England asked and America shook his head.
"No he just stopped me from flying everything else is fine, hey have you seen France anywhere? I have a topic that he's great at, that I need to discuss" England raised a brow at the question.
"You want to talk with the frog wanker??? Well I think he's in his room, and also if your wings hurt or they crack again come see me you can fly just fine but still be careful" America nodded and walked off.

End of part five!

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