~part eight~

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Finally had the time to update!! =^•^=
America picked Italy up flying to the house.
"ENGLAND!" He shouted and England walks out of his and Frances fight.
"What?!" England then looks at America confusingly.
"Why did you bring him back??" America smiles widely at the question.
"Isn't it obvious I'm gonna keep him!" England face palms.
"He isn't an animal you can't just keep him like you would keep a pet" England frowned.
"Igyyyyyyy I'm keeping him wether you like it or not" America whined and pouted.
"Ugh fine, I'm gonna go finish mine and the frogs argument" England stomps back to France. Italy stirred, feeling pain on the back of his head. America walks to his room putting Italy down, locking everything and sat there watching Italy. It took some time for Italy to wake up fully, he flinched when he tried to sit up because of the pain on the back of his head. America had chained Italy on the bed and he had a gag on, no stop thinking dirty! He just wanted him to not escape again. Italy finally remembered what happened and started panicking. He started squirming and screaming for help. America kept watching him.
"You can try and yell but it won't help ya bro" Italy didn't listen to America and kept squirming and screaming helplessly. America got annoyed and held Italys head in place. Italy opened his eyes wide to look up at America, he was scared but more confused why America had to knock him out.
"Okay I know you're confused as shit, but I kidnaped you because I am now keeping you" America said and looked at him seriously. Italy stopped squirming but the confused look didn't leave his face.
"Okay Italy you're a little stupid, as in you're never leaving" Italy tried to answer but it got muffled out by the gag. America took the gag off*
"What do you want from me?? And why can't I never leave? Why do I have to stay here in the first place?! Scusa that I accidentally came to your territory yesterday if that's the reason! It's almost like you're obsessed keeping me here and I don't understand why!" Italy rambled and looked at America even more confused now.
"You ask a lot of questions" America sighs, 'if this is how I  have to do it then fine' he thought.
"I will take great care of you" Italy felt suspicious of him but tried not to show it.
"..really..?" America nodded.
"Yes, I don't want cause you pain, I promise pasta everyday and everything you want you can have" Italy though for awhile.
"Does it include not being chained onto a bed..?"
"If you promise not to leave then yes" America nods and Italy thinks for awhile.
"...Okay I promise" Italy really hoped that America would unchain him because he felt a bit uncomfortable chained onto a bed. America unchained him but made sure everything was locked again. Italy sat up and stretched his wings looking around curiously. America had band posters and American flags, plus many other flags in his room. He loved the other countries even Russia. Italy tried to relax.
"S-so um what now? Is there something you want me to do or..?" He looks at America with his closed eyes.
"No no are you hungry?" America asked politely.
"Sí a bit" Italy carefully replies and nods.
"Let me guess, pasta?" America asked and Italy smiled a bit and nods again.
"FRANCE!!" America shouts and France walks to americas door.
"Oui, what's the matter?" France asked.
"Pasta can you make it?" America replied.
"Yes hold on a couple of minutes" France then walks to the kitchen and starts making pasta. America smiled and looked at Italy.
"France is making you some pasta would you like anything else?" Italy shook his head and gave a little smiled back.
"Alrighty, well then you have a bed right here and all that so you can sleep if you want to" Italy nods and takes his bag from somewhere and takes the blueberry jar out then opens it.
"Want some?" He offers them to America.
"Oh sure dude thanks!" America picks one and noms on it cutely eating. Italy smiles and eats one too.
"Can I trust you to not escape?" Italy nods at Americas question.
"Promise?" America asked again.
"Lo prometto" Italy answered in Italian. America took a deep breath and hugged Italy.
"Okay..I trust you, I hope soon you can trust me.." America whispered. Italy was a bit shocked by the hug because he hasn't got one in a while, but soon hugged back*
"Okay Italy you can call me Alfred" America smiled a little and Italy nodded.
"Okay you can call me Feliciano or Feli for short if you want" Italy replied, snuggling America a big and enjoyed the warmth. America wrapped his wings around Italy in a protective manner, at that moment France walked in but America wasn't paying attention. France smiled and put the food down before exiting quietly. Italy yawned and snuggles America more, he's own wings fluttering slightly. America cuddles Italy closer and closes his eyes.
"Night darling"
Italy blushes a bit from the word darling.
"Night.." he mumbles and drifted off to sleep.

End of part eight~

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