Fixing 2

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Don't over complicate how your character looks. Meaning like don't write: I have chestnut brown hair with big ocean orbs. Don't describe your character. Rather let your readers have their own image about the character. If you want her to have brown hair and blue eyes rather write: I ran my fingers through my chestnut hair, my blue eyes staring back at me in my reflection.

Why does our characters never feel good enough about themselves? I think you shouldn't let them complain about their looks. Just don't even let them think that their friend is more prettier. Rather them just be fine with themselves, because God created us perfectly. We all have our differences. Let them tell us about their hideous laugh that she likes about herself. Because if you can't love yourself, how can you love others?

Don't make the name too difficult to pronounce. If it is a complex name, and you want your readers to pronounce it right do this: Simoné (See-moo-nay). Try to make something more easier to pronounce and not too common that your readers get confused. Also if two characters' names is very alike, change it. Don't confuse your readers. Example: Amelia and Amina change Amina to Nina or something.

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