No More

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The group looked up at the castle that was beginning to look more like a haunted castle. Lord Beerus turned to Yumi.

"So what's the plan?"

"First things first, we can't have the kids inside the building so someone needs to be outside with them"

"I'll do it"

Goku responded quickly with a smile

"No I'll do it besides he will lose sight of the kids, the clown doesn't pay attention enough to his surrounding"

Vegeta said angrily. Yumi rolled her eyes.

"Okay Goku could stay outside with the kids"

"What? Why him?"

Vegeta said with a scowl

"Like you said Vegeta, he's a clown"


Goku yelled feeling insulted, Vegeta smirk but the smirk vanish when he looked at the castle. Lord Beerus got down on his knees to talk to his children.

"You four are going to stay with Goku so he can protect you. Don't go anywhere near home, be good and be safe"

Lord Beerus said hugging them.

"Will mommy be okay?"

Light asked with her eyes glossing with tears. Yumi looked away from the scene and bit her lip, guilt was starting to settle down in her stomach bit she knew she needed to focus on the mission at hand.

"I promise your mother will be just fine and be back to normal"

Lord Beerus said kissing her on the forehead. The kids went to stand by Goku and Whis handed baby Beerus to Goku, the baby looked at Goku in confusion and looked up at his father who kissed him on the forehead.

"I'll see you soon"

Lord Beerus said walking towards Vegeta, Yumi, Trunks and Whis. Baby Beerus stretched out his small hand out to his father.


Lord Beerus ears twitched and looked back and smiled at his son because that was his first word, he let out a sigh and continued walking towards them. Whis looked at Yumi.

"So what's the plan?"

He asked while Goku and the kids went wandering around.

"Well we are going to need to lock up Lady Sabrina in a cage"

"Seriously a cage?"

Vegeta said in confusion.

"No, not just any cage, a cage meant to hold on a demon, even she can't be able to break out of"

"Okay so how do we get her in a cage?"

Trunks asked with a raised eye brow. Yumi smirk

"Live bait"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion and then it clicked and all eyes landed on Lord Beerus who narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously.

*A Few Minutes Later*

"You can't leave me in here!!"

Lord Beerus yelled angrily trying to break from the restraints stripped down naked. The others had put Lord Beerus in his room and tied him up while Yumi placed a spell for to keep him on hold and wait for Sabrina.

*Outside The Room*

Whis, Vegeta, Trunks and Yumi were waiting outside the room. Trunks then whispered.

Lord Beerus x Sabrina OCWhere stories live. Discover now