Game: Teen Wolf Story

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What's Your Teen Wolf Story?

Last Digit of Your Phone Number;

0- I ate
1- I swallowed
2- I mudered
3- I hugged
4- I licked
5- I pranked
6- I tasted
7- I kicked
8- I punched
9- I killed

Colour of Your Shirt;

Blue: a cat
Black: an old lady
Grey: a supermodel
Orange: the ugly dentist
Pink: your mother
Purple: the hot bus driver
Green: a chair
Yellow: superman
Brown: your dumb aunt
Red: Justin Bieber
White: batman

Your Zodiac Sign;

Aries-  with Malia
Gemini- with Derek
Capricorn- with Scott
Taurus- with Stilis
Leo- with Lydia
Cancer- with Liam
Libra- with Peter
Virgo- with Theo
Scorpio- with Kiera 
Aquarius- with Alison
Pieces- with Mason

Your Birth Month:

Jan- Because I'm the freakin' Alpha
Feb- Because I can, wolf bitches!
Mar- Because I'm a crazy were-kayoti
Apr- Because Gerard was annoying me
May- Because the sheriff told me to
Jun- Because I'm so in love with Stilis' jeep
Jul- Because a canima bit me
Aug- Because I'm a hot asf fox
Sep- Because Alison's mother told me so
Oct- Because I've got a crush on Prinicipal Martin
Nov- Because a wolf hunter shot my freaking leg
Dec- Because Munroe is a psycho

Teen Wolf is freaking awesome. Especially Stiles!!

Anyway, don't forget to comment your story or your thoughts and vote if you like this part.

And remember this is just for fun so the stories don't  have to make sense.

Love you all and peace out.

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