Joke: Snowwhite's Birthday

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Mulan: Happy Birthday!

Snowwhite: Awe thank you Mulan, you didn't have to.

Snowwhite: *opens the gift, takes a look and then faints instantly*

Mulan: *panics and calls Cinderella to come see what's wrong with Snowwhite*

Cinderella: *runs over* What is it? Why is Snowwhite lying on the floor?

Mulan: I don't know. She opened the gift I got her for her birthday and she just fainted.

Cinderella: *picks up the box* Wait, what'd you get her--Oh my goodness! Is this an iPhone and a MacBook?! Mulan, you know how she feels about apple!

Get it?

OK whatever.

Thanks a million times for reading and ttfn.

Love you all. 

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