Chapter 2 + wierd explanation thingy

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okay so I usually won't put an A/N at the start of the chapter unless it's a warning, but if I dont put this you'll all be confused. so most of the chapters in this story will be written like this, they will start with a line of whatever Phil is writing and will then go into the story, but it is all way before the first chapter. if you don't get it just comment/message me and I'll be happy to explain! :) ~Toni

chapter two

Phil's P.O.V

"Dear Dan,

the very first thing you need to know is that this is NOT your fault. none of it. but I want you to remember all the things that are etched in my memory, like how we first met, via the internet..."


"coming mum" I moaned, as I switched off the camera which I had been using to film a new video, but I was rudely interrupted by my dinner being made. After dinner, however, I couldn't be bothered to continue filming, and It wasn't turning out very well anyway. I decided to look through some comments on my videos. as I was scrolling, one person in particular kept jumping out, saying things such as "This is THE funniest thing I have seen in AGESSSS!" Or "OMG haha! This is hilarious. Literally." then one, saying "Hey I know you won't, but check out my videos maybe? No? eh ok" so I clicked on his channel name, 'Danisnotonfire' and chose a video named "Butter fingers" and all I could think was, "This guy's hilarious!"

I logged onto my twitter (after watching all of this Dan guy's videos and laughing nonstop for about five HUNDRED hours) and typed his YouTube name into the search bar, and what do you know, his profile popped up. I checked out his twitter, and decided to send him a little tweet.

" Danisnotonfire: Hey! So I checked out your videos, and you are a comical genius!"

I smiled to myself, and even though I wasn't expecting a reply, almost immediately

" amazingphil: OMG Really? But you're amazingphil... like THE amazingphil... omg."

I giggled to myself at the fact that Dan was practically fangirling. I typed a reply.

" Danisnotonfire: Yeah! Best videos on YouTube, I think ;)"

We tweeted back and forth for a few hours and discovered that we are almost the same person, we share the same favourite band, same favourite album, and we are both youtubers and a ton of other stuff. needless to say, I fangirled more than healthy.

After a few days of tweeting back and forth, I got a tweet from Dan asking if I wanted to Skype, and I told him that my Skype name is the same, Amazingphil.

okay so I know this isn't how they met but this story isn't really a realistic take on Dan and Phil's lives. it's not really an AU, more of a 'same universe just slightly altered'... yeah... ~Toni

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