Chapter 4

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"I remember how when we first met, I thought you wouldn't come..."

I woke up early ish to the sound of my phone going off, and leapt out of bed to answer. I smiled when I saw it was from Dan.

llama boy


mooooooooooooooooorning! can't wait to FINALLY meet you today!

So I quickly send one back reading:

aah same! Well see you at 1! :P

wait, one?! It'll take me an hour to get to the train station... I had fifteen minuets!I grabbed my clothes, stripped, and ran to the shower. (Good thing my parents were on holiday!) Somehow I managed to shower, dress and sort out my hair before 12, and I started my long walk to the train station.


Where was he?! Dan was meant to meet me an hour ago, but I hadn't even received a text to explain . I let out a sigh, stood up and started to walk away solemnly When I heard a shout. I Turned around to see a brown hair, brown-eyed beauty jogging (somewhat slowly) towards me. he then stopped halfway to breath (and cough up his lungs apparently) so I walked over to where he stopped and gave him a hug. "Dan! I thought you weren't going to come!" I whined.

"Woke... late... bus... stupid... train... here" He said between breaths, his hand on his chest, leaning over dramatically, making me laugh.

"Oh it's okay, you're here now" I giggled, hugging him again. we then walked back to my house with Dan moaning the entire way about how far it was.

When we got to mine and had a cup of tea (how British, eh?) the awkward nervousness set in.

"so... this is my house..." I mentally kicked myself, well done captain obvious.

"cool..." Dan said awkwardly.

" so do you... wanna play sonic?"

"DO I?!"

And so that sorted out the awkwardness. we talked for hours about Pokemon and other little fanboyish things, and before we knew it, it was three in the morning! "Oh my god, It's really late!" dan exclaimed.

"Oh wow, yeah!" I replied "we should get some sleep. so how about we... I dunno, make a video or something tomorrow?" I asked, somehow nervously.

"Awh yeah, cool!"

so we planned the video, and slept, letting me dream dreams full of the man sleeping on my floor who definitely didn't feel the same.

I just realised how bad that ending is but I really can't be bothered to change it... sorry :) but you guys should totally talk to me (if there are any of you) so um... byeeeee ~Tonio

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