Chapter 3

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chapter 3

"...And the first time we skyped, how we used to stay up all night just talking about silly things..."

"Phil, Giraffes don't make noises!" I heard him laugh from within my laptop screen. We had been skyping since 5 in the evening, and it was now 1am. "They do! Honestly, I... I've heard one!" I giggled

"Really?" he said, mock sternly.

"Yeah... no" I laughed. We had only known each other for a few weeks but already we were acting as if we'd known each other all our lives. He looked better over Skype than he did in person, and I still couldn't believe he wanted to talk to me! "Uh Phil? Earth to space lion... Are you there?" I snapped back to reality as I heard Dan calling and saw him waving his arms about, until his arm hit something and it fell to the floor and smashed "Ah Fuck!" he yelled then immediately clapped his hand over his mouth. His mum then thundered across into Dan's room, yelled at him then left. I tried hard to contain my laughter but as soon as his mum left I burst into fits of giggles, "Hey it's not funny!" Dan said, but I could see he was suppressing his laughter, and we were soon both clutching our sides gasping for air. Before we knew what had happened, it was two thirty. "Oh my god, I should go" Dan said when we had recovered from our giggle attack. "Why?" I frowned.

"I uh... I sort of got a job" Dan mumbled

"What!?" I said astounded. Dan? A job?

"Yeah at some shitty DIY store." This made me laugh a lot.

"Dan got a job!" I chanted, childishly.

"Shush." He sulked. I sniggered then said

"Well I should go then, don't want to be late, do you" I joked.

"Hmph. Well goodnight little lion boy"

"Goodnight little llama."

We both made cheesy heart signals to the camera then I shut my laptop, plummeting my room into sudden darkness. I got into bed and lied there, staring at my ceiling. Dan was just my friend, right? He didn't think of it any more than that, and nor should I. But I did. I Thought of Dan as more than a friend even though it was clear that's not what he wanted. My little llama.

okay I don't really have anything to say here... sorry it's short? idk. like/comment/vote/add to library whatever you do on this website, byeeeee ~Toni

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