Chapter 7

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**trigger warning?** not as much as the last chapter

"but then, the next time we met, you told me how silly I was and then the impossible happened..."

"Mum! Have you seen my laptop?" I yelled, whilst stuffing clothes into a bag. "You've already packed it!" She called back. Oh. So I had, I thought to myself as I wrestled with my bag to get it shut. Just then, my phone went off, making me jump. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Dan.


"Hey Phil! Uh... Just thought I'd let you know I'm running late... Again..."

"Dan, you're always late!"

"Yeah... well I let you know this time!"

"Okay, well, see you later."

"See ya!"

Dan was running late again, as always. Well, maybe running isn't the right word to describe Dan. All the previous times we'd met, he had been late. We'd met a lot, but not since my little... Episode... and so now it was almost as though we'd never met.


Mum tried to accompany me right to the station, but I told her to stay in the car. "Well be good, Phil." She said, sorting my hair out. "Muuuum! Get off! I'm not a child anymore!" I grumbled, wriggling away. "Hold still! You'll want to look good for your boyfriend!" I froze, and turned a deep shade of scarlet. "He... He's not my boyfriend..." I mumbled. "Oh, sorry Hun. Not yet, no?" I turned even redder. "No... And Dan probably doesn't even like guys anyways." I muttered, even quieter than the first time.

Mum looked at me for a while, and then sighed. "Phil, look at me. I can see in the way Dan looks at you, that he likes you. He looks at you with the same eyes you give him. I mean, look. I knew you liked Dan without you even telling me you liked boys. So don't give up, okay? Just go for it baby." She took me into her arms and I felt tears threaten to fall, but I wouldn't let them. "Thanks mum." I whispered, barely audible. Then, my phone rang, making us both jump, and I picked it up without checking the caller ID.

"Hey Phil!"

"Oh... Hey Dan..."

"Hey what's up?"

"Uhm... Nothing. I'll tell you later..." I said, picking at the bottom of my jumper sleeves.

"Hm... okay, well... I'm at the station! I'm not late for once!"

I gave a feeble laugh. "Okay. I'll be there in a bit."

"Bye!" He said, then hung up.

I sat in the front of the car in silence, picking at the bottom of my jumper sleeves again when mum spoke. "Phil... why are you wearing a jumper?"


"Uh... I'm cold."

Oh yeah, good one. It's the middle of fucking summer.

"Oh. Well... shouldn't you be getting to Dan?" Mum said, clearly seeing through my lies.

"Urm... Yeah. Thanks."

I Got out of the car, getting my suitcase and giving a small goodbye to my mum.


I found Dan, and we half heartedly hugged. When we pulled away, Dan frowned, so I tried to smile. "Right. We're going home, getting you some toast, and the you're telling me everything." Then, before I even had time to protest, Dan had grabbed my suitcase and marched off, only taking time to yell "Jesus Christ, Phil! What've you even got in here!"


We got to Dan's and had some toast, then I realized I wouldn't be able to keep the jumper on for long. It was boiling! But unfortunately, Dan got there first. "Fucking hell, Phil! You're sweating like a monkey! Take that jumper off!"

"Uh... Nah... I can't be bothered haha..." I mumbled, trying unsuccessfully, to laugh it off.

"For fuck's sake, Phil. You're so lazy! Come here! " Dan said, pulling me over to him, with me yelping when he grabbed my arm. He instantly recoiled at the sound, frowning slightly. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked, worriedly.

"Uh, no. I uh... I hurt my elbow earlier and urm... yeah." I lied, yet again unsuccessfully.

"Well you're not going to help it in the fucking Christmas jumper! Just take it off!"

"Well I'm cold and-"

"Don't try that with me, it's the middle of fucking July!"

"Dan get off I don-"

"Oh my... Phil!"


By that point, Dan had managed to wrestle me out of my jumper and had fixed his eyes onto my arm. I felt my face go warm.

I expected Dan to yell at me, but to my surprise, he simply took my hand and gently led me to the bathroom. "Dan wh-" I was cut off by a quiet shhh as he sat me on the edge of the bathtub. He turned his back to me as he rummaged calmly in a cupboard then bought out a pack of antiseptic disinfectant wipes and a bandage, which he set on the side of the sink next to him. He took a seat next to me and put my arm on his lap and then he spoke in the softest, calm and caring voice, you wouldn't recognise it as his, although there was a hint of his normal voice there: "Just hold tight, this may sting a little."

He began cleaning my arm, removing the little bits of jumper fluff stuck to the dried blood, and even though it stung, I didn't notice. All I could notice was the concentration and... something I didn't quite recognise, shining in those great chocolate eyes.


When Dan had finished bandaging my arm he simply sat, looking at me with those eyes. He did not speak for a long while, and when he did, it was with that same sweet voice that should belong to someone else.

"Phil... I... You don't have to say, but... Well... why?"

I looked down at my perfectly bandaged arm and recalled that smooth voice and thought, Why not? Why not tell him?

"Well... there's this person...a-and I like them. A lot... and, well, there's no way they like me even a little, so... yeah." I finished, in a small voice, suddenly realising how stupid this reason was. But yet again, to my surprise, Dan looked me straight in the eyes and whispered "Who says they don't like you back?"

Dan started to lean forward.

Is this happening?

I began to lean in too.

It is happening.

I closed my eyes, the world going in slow motion.

It's really happening.

As our lips collided, I felt the world fall down around us, it was only me and him now. Me, and the bronze eyed boy with the softest lips imaginable. We pulled back, and in that moment, I realised what that unfamiliar look in Dan's eyes was. Passion.

"You... You mean that?" I Whispered, searching his eyes for any sign of regret.

"I've been psyching myself up for that for weeks, Jesus!" Dan exclaimed, back to his normal self, making me giggle. "Fuck, that was amazing!" He said, about to pull me in for another when...

"Daniel! I'm home! Do you and Phil want pizza?"

He flashed me a sheepish grin before yelling "Yeah!" then got up to leave. Suddenly, I found my voice. "Uh Dan? Would you maybe... I dunno, urm... Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Phil you twat, of course!" He laughed, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs.


so I actually really like this chapter. it was the longest one I had written (I dont think it is anymore...) and I think it is better written than the others. what do you think? anyway this was the last copy and paste chapter, the rest of the story will be wattpad exclusive! ~Toni

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