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*Ariana P.O.V.* (OoOoO)
   I sat alone in the Starbucks drinking my tea before grabbing my phone to check the time.

   Y/N should be here any minute now, and waiting for her is beginning to make me nervous. I almost didn't want to meet with her, but we really needed to talk.

    I've felt different since she's kissed me. I don't feel confused like most people think. And by most people I mean Brian, Scott, and Alexa, the only people that know about Y/N kissing me.

   I don't want to say I'm in love with her or anything because we've only met recently. We had managed to grow encridibly close in the short amount of time when we had first met. Since the kiss, I've just felt different.

   The feeling started as soon as she kissed me. I'm not sure how to explain it but I felt as if my stomach had exploded and imploded at the same time. It was an amazing feeling, and I didn't want to lose it. How can someone even be that good at kissing?

   I shook the thought off and bit my lip, nervously tapping my fingertips against the table top. My head shot up, and a smile instantly spread across my face when I heard a familiar sigh. Y/N had just come in, and she looked stunning. What's new? I took a deep breath before raising my hand to wave her over.

*Your P.O.V.*
   I sat in my car outside of the Starbucks before checking the time again.


   Ariana would be expecting me any minute now. I wipe my damp palms against my jeans before grabbed my bag and stepping out of the car.

   As soon as I entered I felt regret wash over me. Why did I agree to do this again?! I sighed before looking around to see where she was. I see her wave her hand in the air, and I begin in her direction.

   I see her began to get up to hug me, so I quickly sit down on the chair across from her. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, I was just aware that the kiss was what she wanted to talk about.

   I had mentioned to her before that I liked girls as well but had only ever been with boys. I guess she didn't pick up on the hints I was so poorly putting down.

   I smiled upon seeing the Grande vanilla bean frappé she had gotten for me. She actually remembered it was my favorite. I was about to take a drink before realizing there was lipstick on the straw.

   "Oh- I hope you don't mind but I kinda took a sip or two," Ariana said before looking away from me shyly.

   "Are you sure it was only a sip? My cup feels half empty!" I joke.

   She laughs before playfully hitting my arm. My heart beat speeds up at the little bit of physical contact. "Oh shut up; you'll be fine. Besides, it's not like we haven't 'swapped saliva' before anyways." Now I was the one shyly looking away.

"Speaking of.... that's kinda why I wanted to meet you here." She smiled and reached out for my hand to grab my attention.

   I quickly scratched the back of my neck before she could hold onto my hand. I sighed and began studying to painting on the wall behind her to at least make it look as if I was actually looking at her. "I figured just as much. Look- it only meant anything to me. That's fine, I get that. I won't kiss you anymore, I promise. And I understand if you don't want to still be frie-"

   "-Shut up Y/N!" She interrupted in a slightly urgent tone without raising her voice. I stopped and looked at her.

   God, have her eyes always been such a perfect light mocha color with that amazing little twinkle on the left side of both eyes? Has her nose always been so cute and button-y? And have her lips always been so kissable? Kissable. God, how I want to kiss those lips. Kissing her would- shit. I already did kiss her. That's what got me here!

   I tune back in to reality. I wonder how long I had just been staring at her. She seemed to be on a whole new topic. The last words I caught were "just a kiss" before her phone went off.

   "Yeah... Uh huh... Really?... Can't you just-... Do you really need me?... I'm kinda in the middle of-... no its not a date.... I'm getting coffee with Y/N... No its not a date!... Fuck you... Ugh whatever... No... Why can't you-... Fine, I'll be there in twenty... Yeah yeah love you too... Bye..." who the Fuck was she talking to???

  " Sorry, I gotta go. Sc-uhhh some of my other friends need me. I'll talk to you later. Call me," she said while standing up and grabbing her drink.

   "Sure thing, be safe," I smiled up at her while wondering if I should stand to hug her, but before I knew it she started to walk away.

   "Yeah, you too Ba-Barbra." She ran out of the door and to her car before I could ever stand up. Did she almost call me babe??

I've been working on this chapter for so long but I enjoy reading more than writing so I usually read before I even try to work on anything and always get carried away. I'll try to edit out any mistakes tomorrow.

Check out my other book Mrs. Grande (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called, Idk tbh it's almost 3am and I got like 4 hours of sleep last night soo) I'll be posting a new chapter there soon

Hope you guys enjoyed:)

I love you so much!♡

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